Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Better Afters

I don't think of myself as particularly handy or crafty, but I manage. I really enjoy creating as long as it is easy.  So "upholstering" was something that I never ever entertained the idea of doing. But I'm an avid follower of the "Better After" blog and they make things sound easy there . . . or at least inspiring!  My items which needed bettering really had nothing to lose, so I decided to take the plunge.  Here are my very handy, but not very attractive chairs. Having only four chairs in our home, anytime we have an extra body in our house, out come these chairs, but they were getting embarrassing.  We got them as a wedding gift, so I guess they've done fairly well. But they have endured abuse.

 First step - find material. I'm not sure what the best kind is or should have been, but I found a big piece at Value Village (with Steph) and thought it would do. I have yet to see how it will hold up, but its been a month and a half and we're doing good.

 Here they are Steph. You wanted to see a picture when I was done:) I know you thought I was a little off my rocker when I told you what I was doing, but I'm enjoying my finished product and it wasn't even too much work.
 I've also been looking for quite some time for a chest for Kylie to store her dress up clothes in. The cardboard box that was holding them was doing a fine job, but I wanted something prettier.  A few days before her birthday, I was at Value Village again with Jenn and found this box which was absolutely just what I was looking for.

 The "after" here is meant for a little girl who is in love with anything princess to enjoy. I just got the decals from the dollar store.  (The words were not quite what I had in mind - I was thinking something more along the lines of imagination - but the options were few and the timeframe was short, so I picked the one that worked best . . . )  So it was another super easy project. It had to be since Kylie is not out of my sight for too many of my waking hours.
I've got plans for more things, but I also have walls in my house that need to be painted badly, so I think they will get my first attention (some day). It also seems that shopping with friends is rather beneficial to inspiration.  Hmmmm. I'll have to keep that in mind:)


  1. Great job Denise!! I also love better after, although I really liked her post "better before". That looked more like things I would do:)

  2. Wow!! Those chairs turned out great! And I love the chest you did too. Looks like something that would take me over a year to do!! Steph

  3. Well done! There is something truly satisfying in re-creating the old and ugly into the lovely. Will you be submitting this to Better After? :-D

  4. I am very impressed!!

  5. Looks great Dece! And, if you're ever looking for a friend to shop with..... :o)

  6. Oh, and did you see the exercise video that the Better After lady posted a while ago? I laughed my head off. Go find it and watch it if you haven't seen it yet. :o)
    I've been reading her blog for a little while - I love her sense of humour.

  7. WOW! That is very inspiring!
