Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life in May

Once upon a time it was May.  Then it wasn't anymore. June came and we forgot all about May.  Except we didn't:
Here is some of our May happenings.
In May we went to the park.  Lots of cousins fit on the swing.  They all liked it.
 Anna, Summer, and Kylie sucked suckers.  They liked them too.
  Kate brought her very cute baby named Kyra.  She was happy.  So was Kate.
 Kyra smiled lots - which made me smile too.
 In May, I dug up my Jr. Carharts from my "Boys 3-5" box.  I thought they would be cute on Kylie.
 They most certainly were.
 In May all my trees came into bloom and it looked and smelled SOOOO beautiful for a week.
(its really unfortunate that these trees don't bloom for at least a month!!)
 In May it got hot enough to put the sprinkler on under the trampoline and have hours of fun.

 In May I gained a jack-o-lantern for a son.
 I paid out $10 to the tooth fairy cause.  Kevin lost 2 teeth and Kade lost 3.
 In May I thought it was high time I had a picture of all three of my kids.  But Kade was grumpy and didn't want to.  So I took a picture of Kevin and Kylie.
 I convinced Kade to join. But he was still not too happy.
 But Kade doesn't often stay grumpy for long.
 And he didn't this time either. 
 That was as good as it got for picture time. Everything went a little downhill after that.
 In May we asked a young individual to take a picture of us in front of our blooming tree.  This is the blooming result.  Don't we look happy and ready?
 In May Denise took over the camera again and snapped a picture of Kevin and his Dad. I think they look a lot alike . . . and it doesn't stop with the looks!
 In May Jonathan and Ryan came for a sleepover.  They are tall.
 But they made Kevin taller for just a bit.  They are also strong.
 In May we had supper and fireworks with our church family.
 Sparklers were a big hit with the little ones.
 Ella really liked them too and would have had very burned fingers if she had been allowed to learn by touching.
 And FINALLY . . . . in May Kade rode a Barbie bike.  Snicker. Snicker. Snicker.
And they all lived happily ever after.  The End


  1. What a great variety of pictures! May was a busy and great month! I love the picture of your property with the blooming trees (super lawn cutting!!) and the one of Ky in the carharts. Adorable!! Thanks for sharing your happy story.

  2. I love the goofy picture of all three kids! and the toothless Kade is pretty cute too. I've always thought he was one of the cutest boys ever.

  3. May is such a lovely time of year, it should really last for three months:-) Thanks for sharing your May!

  4. haha Kade's on a pink bike!! Love this post Denise!

  5. Loved looking at all those pictures! Your kids sure are cute!! My kids are another story :) haha - I'm just laughing at Hunter's cute face in the first picture - REAL CUTE :)Love the picture of the twins carrying Kev, they sure are cute boys. May is a good month for sure and for certain - we need to do many park days.
