Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Nine Tulips

Spring is beginning to show itself so beautifully. I love it. I also love my flowerbeds in the spring. It is my favorite time of the year for them. I do hardly anything to them and they are filled with spring blooms and colours.  Years ago I planted a whole bunch of bulbs - all kinds I think.  Most of them never amounted to much, but a few tulips have survived the years.  Every year I get a few tulips popping up.  About nine.  They usually coordinate their blooming and opening with my purple phlox and it looks soooo nice.  (at least I think so).  I was admiring how they were finally coming along on Sunday.  The first few tulips had opened with a few more promising to follow in the next few days.  Ahh. The anticipation.
Then . . . Monday morning, in walked Kylie with a bouquet of flowers for her mother.  It was one of those moments when it is best not to respond too quickly. What I wanted to say, was not the thing I should say!   I was rather slightly annoyed, and yet . . . she was giving me a gift and she was proud of it.  So I thanked her and told her how sweet it was.. And then we had a little chat.
 Now it is back to getting plenty of dandelion bouquets . . . and looking at my tulip leaves in the flower beds.
                              And lest I forget,  I now have two little bowls inside that have my blooms in them. They are still being enjoyed - just not the way I had envisioned. 


  1. Oh dear. :-( Two days ago I caught AnnaMae picking my petunias and then laying them carefully back on the plant she pulled them from.

    You should plant bulbs with Kylie in the fall. She'll have the fun of anticipating the new growth in the spring, hopefully a sense of responsibility about not picking them, and if she does, you'll have more tulips leftover (hopefully) to enjoy outside. :-)

  2. Sophia is doing the same thing with my flower baskets. (The squirrels made off with my tulips.....) It's pretty hard to say no, when she's offering the flower as a present to you. I guess the best thing we can do is remember that these years aren't going to last long, and we'll miss the special "mom bouquets" some day.
    Hope you're having a good day! :o)

  3. Sorry, but I couldn't help but chuckle. Seems to me Kate had this problem last year. Apparently she should have talked to Kylie as well :)
