Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We spent Thanksgiving weekend at one of our favorite places - Rock Lake! Though it was to be a work weekend, it didn't take much encouraging for us to decide to come. Jonathan loves to be busy with his hands (though of course he does know how to relax too . . . occasionally:)), so this kind of a weekend was right up his alley. And we can't forget to mention the fabulous weather!
Here are the men at work (nearly finished).

Kade and Chris out for a paddleboat ride.
When the guys finished the roof they decided to take the plunge . . . .
. . . doesn't he almost make it look warm and enjoyable;)
. . . but they all said it was "refreshing"!
Judah with his convoy.
Jonathan fishing with Kade.
Uncle Klaas took a big group of us for a hike on Sunday afternoon. It was beautiful!

Cameras never seem to capture the beauty, but we try:)

Isaiah and Kylie who actually got along amazingly well the whole weekend. They usually get along super well or fight super well . . . this time they had a great time together so that was really fun.
Isaiah and his daddy.
Kylie and her sour key. I don't really want to know exactly how many of these she went through over the weekend, but more than likely it was TOO many. Thanks though Becky! It kept her rather happy.
Jamie, Holly, and Anneke
The boys! We didn't see a whole lot of this gang. They were always off having fun - mostly building forts or hiking.
John-Michael, Tim, and Kevin. These three boys were always together and got along fabulously.

Chris with his clean face and Kade with his bed head:)
Rachel and Maurice
Auntie Ann (who was such a gracious and hard working hostess) with Mom.
Captain Blue Beard also came for a visit. It was neat to watch the faces of the kids who have heard the story of BlueBeard over and over, but were never quite sure if it was fact or fiction. My boys both had that cautious look in their eyes for a quick second before the wheels turned and they affirmed in their minds that BlueBeard is not a real person after all.
Uncle Klaas took them through the story again (I don't think they'll ever get tired of hearing it) . . .
. . . before sending them out for the treasure hunt.
. . . unburying the treaure after all the clues.
Carrying the treasure box down for a group picture.
Here is the crew (or most of them)

JM and Kevin in one of the forts they built (with the other boys).
Uncle Klaas and the boys.

Thanks so much for inviting us/having us for the weekend Uncle Klaas and Auntie Ann. It was a LOT of fun. It was neat reconnecting with a lot of people we don't see too often. The kids absolutely loved coming and making new friends too. Though the drives were rather long, the trip was well worth it. We'd do it again in a heartbeat! We'll remember game nights (and afternoons), walks where we could enjoy the incredible beauty, sitting on the porch soaking up the wonderful sunshine, great talks late at night with JM and Becky, lots of great food including a HUGE turkey dinner with all the trimmings and accessories, and just enjoying eachothers company. (Oh and roofing the roof:)) We thank God for all these blessings and so much more!


  1. Great pictures, Denise! It looked like we really missed out by leaving early :( It was very sad to leave, but that is the nature of our work! I'm so thankful to hear that it all got finished. Thanks so much to you and Jon for your help!

  2. Looks like a great time! Love the lodge and all the people there. What a special time. Work is never work when you are surrounded by friends, family and food! Love your pictures. Also the picture and blogging of Kylie's big win...cracked me right up!!!

  3. What a great time we had! It is always so fun to be at Rock Lake!! Great pictures once again Denise. Thanks for being so quick with putting them up!
