Saturday, September 6, 2008

Marine Land

Our homeschooling group had the wonderful (and cheap) opportunity to spend a day at Marine Land yesterday. What a fun day! Jonathan's boss let him have the day off to spend with his family:), and Kylie got to have two sleepovers at her good friend Summer's, so we were well prepared for optimum fun! The park was very empty which meant no waiting in lines at all. The kids often ran off a ride and raced as fast as they could to the entrance spot to see if they could get on before it took off again. What fun!

The shows were also excellent. We especially enjoyed the dolphin and sea lion show. It's amazing how you can teach these animals so many things. Kevin commented during the show that,"They sure listen good, Mom." "Yes," I replied, "Much better than some boys I know!" Food for thought for a young mind:)

The underground viewing tanks were very neat to look at. It's so amazing how big yet fearfully and wonderfully made these creatures are! We have an amazing Creator!
The dolphin tank.

The killer whale tank.

The beluga whale.

I thought this sign posted on the walls of the aquarium was very comforting:-Z

The walrus tank.

The fish tank - with the sword fish taking aim at Kevin's head.

I wasn't sure at first if the boys would enjoy the rides. The last few long van rides they have complained about not feeling well. I need not have worried. Kevin is a man after my own heart - tugging at us to hurry to the next ride. He went on everything he was tall enough for and the only one he wouldn't do twice was the Sky Screamer. Kade also liked them, but was too short for most of the ones that weren't in the Family area, which was probably good. He also did reach a point of wanting to leave whereas we had to drag Kevin out.

This ride jets up extremely fast - i think faster than Drop Zone drops - and once up there is an amazing view of the Falls. Both are breathtaking!

This was a very fun roller coaster - very fast, very loopy, and very dark at times! I think it was probably Kevin's favorite of them all. He is in the picture, though you can't see him.

And Kade's favorite - the pirate ship -which he rode ALL BY HIMSELF:)

Some more of the animals we could view, or pet!

And some family snapshots.


  1. looks like you guys had a great time. I love the picture of you and Jon.

  2. Jonathan must have a very nice boss
