Tuesday, January 7, 2014


We were finally (after 6 years!) able to return to Vermont to visit Dan and Sarah and boys.  I don't know how many times over those years we have discussed going . . . and failed . . but I am so glad it worked out this time and that we actually made it happen.  We left Christmas Eve just after lunch and got there just after 9pm.  The kids did well for the ride and the weather was mostly good. A bit of snow and flurries, but nothing that really slowed us, so we were thankful for that!
 Our first day there was Christmas morning and after church we did stockings all together. This was fun and it was great that we could take that tradition with us to Vermont!  After lunch we headed down the road to the neighbours pond.  We went to the pond to skate and sled every day we were there and it was really great. The pond is huge and the ice was really smooth. Though there was a layer of snow on it, it didn't really slow you down (though it certainly slowed the hockey puck down!).  We scraped a patch of ice off and a big trail around the outside of the pond too.
 The first day was really cold and we didn't last real long (partly b/c it took us a bit to get our act together and make it down with everyones skates! Poor Sarah spent the whole time climbing up and down the hill and never even got her skates on!), but the next days warmed up a bit each day and then kids were throwing off hats, mitts, coats etc. rather quickly once they got going!

 They still had all the ice on the trees from the ice storm. It never melted in Vermont like it did here at home.  It sure made things beautiful!!!

 Karter stayed back to nap each day (we took turns staying with him) and then on Sarah's last trip with skates the first day, she pulled him out on the toboggan.  He wasn't overly impressed, but it was pretty cute!

 The kids spent parts of each of the days and nights playing games -- real and virtual. Everyone got along fabulously and it was so neat to watch them connect with these cousins they don't get to see to often!

 The third day these three boys snowshoed down to the pond.  It was a good work out and they were hot when they got there!

 There was also a good sledding hill to get to the pond. (the pond was at the bottom of the hill)
 There was a good mix of sledding and skating each day.

 These two had so much fun together. They are two peas in a pod and were really fun to watch.  Interestingly enough . . .Josiah is VERY much a BOY's boy, so we are glad he tolerated (and enjoyed) Kylie!
 This is as close as he would get for a picture though (and yes, she is trying to get him to put his arm around her in the above picture;))

 The race:  Jonathan vs. Josiah and Kylie
 Looks like Josiah and Kylie are pulling ahead . . . .though veering slightly off course . . .
  . . . and they bailed before they ended up in the reeds.
 Joshua and Kade playing ninjas.

 And we can't forget about the beloved ipad. This machine (along with Netflix) was my kids dream come true.  They very much enjoyed their three days of cozy movies at the touch of a finger.  (though of course they did have to take turns . . . especially since Barbie seemed to be on a fair bit considering the 8:1 male: female ratio:)
Karter adapted to this house so quickly it was amazing. He was just so at home . . . and could easily fit right into the blond mix too!  Dan and Sarah's boys loved him and he loved being loved by them.  So special!
The three days flew by. Jonathan and the boys were taken on a tour of the farms led by Farmer Josh.  He did really well and got them to each of the destinations without any trouble at all.  We also did a drive by of some of the places Jonathan remembers from WAY back when he lived in Vermont.  
Dan and Sarah are excellent hosts and have a super cozy home and we left feeling very relaxed and refreshed (not to mention a bit lazy!).  We spent lots of time around the island just chatting and being inspired and encouraged.  Thanks so much Dan and Sarah (and boys!) for a very enjoyable little vacation. We truly loved it and really really hope it won't take us six more years to get back.  Seriously.


  1. Beautiful pictures Dece!! It looks like it was such a cozy and fun time down there. It was cute to see Kylie and Josiah playing so well together! MARE

  2. How fun! Looks beautiful! Glad you guys got to finally go down!

