Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do You See What I See?

 Are you noticing something new and different about this daughter of ours?
Yup. She is growing up before our very eyes.  It seems like I was just writing about Kade losing his first tooth. Time flies.  I remember losing my first tooth in Kindergarten.  I was pretty excited.  Kylie was too. When she found out it was quite loose and that she'd probably lose it at camp. she thought that was kind of cool. The sad thing was that she really did lose it too - in the van on the way to the beach.  We haven't done a thorough search yet. She is wondering if she will still get money if her tooth is lost. I'm thinking yes:)

There is definitely something kind of sad about losing that first tooth. The cute little rows of nice and straight teeth are gone . . . and in Kevin and Kade's cases, are replaced with a bit of a "mess"!    We'll hope hers come in beautiful:)  For now it really isn't too noticeable, and it is a tad cute too:)


  1. So cute! Kylie looks pretty stunning in that first picture! What a big stage in life! Hope the tooth fairy still comes:)

  2. Ah! She is getting so big! :)

    We've left a note for the tooth fairy under the pillow before, to explain the situation. Usually the tooth fairy is pretty understanding of these sorts of things.


  3. she sure looks cute in those pictures. Can't wait to see the new teeth.. haha - just kidding

  4. I remember leaving a note for the tooth fairy once when I lost my tooth too. She sure is a cutie!
