Monday, June 14, 2010

Kevin's Piano Recital

I've put up a video of Kevins piano recital. It was held in the nursing home where my Oma is and was very casual. That's probably a good thing. Because I found Kevin very funny. He was quite nervous and you can tell. They played on an electric piano which is quite different sounding than what he is used to - hence him stopping midway through the first song and exclaiming "This doesn't sound right!" What a goof! The video quality is not very good in certain parts - the shaking all around is because I am laughing.
Nervously waiting his turn . . . (he was third:)) They started with the youngest and went up to the oldest.

You'll have to excuse his posture - it's the thing that shows me most just how nervous (and unsure of how to act) he was.

Maybe its mostly funny to me - b/c I see how he performs at home and how he does in front of a crowd. He had all of his songs very well memorized . . . which is why he didn't open his book for the second song . . . but after a few notes, decided he'd like the comfort of the open book - just in case.
And a little visit with Oma afterwards.


  1. Good job Kevin!! You played amazing!! I loved his face at the beginning of the song on the first one. It was pretty sweet. Steph

  2. I loved his posture!! Great job Kevin!
