Friday, July 31, 2009

We've been busy . . . .

. . . enjoying our summer. Here is a sampling by way of pictures:
. . . at the beach -- actually this is during our time chaperoning YP camping. We haven't made it to the beach as a family yet - but vacation is coming right up!!
. . . gardening. Jonathan informed me that I was bragging - simply by taking a picture of one of my gardens - so I thought I better prove him right by showing it off even more:) I love my gardens - and I love spending time in them. I like pulling weeds and trying to keep it weed free. I like the end results (well actually I don't eat a large portion of my garden as it conflicts with my taste buds, but the rest of the family enjoys it!) . . . enjoying our baby kitties. They now have their eyes opened and are starting to look a little cuter. This picture below is about 2 weeks old.

. . . enjoying Josh and Steph's kitty - and getting a little attached to it during the few days we had it.
. . . swimming lessons - not the warmest summer to do lessons, but they survived.

. . .church picnic-ing - and I only got as far as the kids games before I got busy and left the camera behind. The church picnic was a wonderful day of fellowship once again. With a weather forecast that predicted nothing but rain, we weren't sure how the day would play out, but other than a drizzle during kids games (and kids don't notice anyway) the day was quite nice! Thanks to those who did all the planning! We enjoyed the day a lot!

. . . and just playing and enjoying eachother.

The boys got Kylie dressed up in this new "princess garb" and informed me that I needed to do her hair to make her a real princess.

. . . and doesn't she almost look like one?!!! Though she is not the most impressed by the whole idea at this point.

So that's some of our summer in pictures. We're busy - and we love it!!


  1. Looks like you guys are having a great summer! I love working in the gardens too... I'm hoping to make mine alittle bigger next year seeing as our vegetable garden is an old flower bed. Enjoy the rest of your summer and the nicer weather we've been having :)

  2. Ok due to your hinting on my blog I thought I should comment :) I'm really bad at that, I like it when people comment on my blog but I don't comment on theirs. Ya that was quite a show wasn't it. I can just imagine Jon singing like that :) I remember there being quite a storm when we were camping there too. Those are very nice pictures btw. That one of Kade and Kylie is so cute!
