Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Pit

Today we headed out to Thamesford in the rain. Except that by the time we got there, it was no longer raining, and was in fact shaping up to be a very beautiful day. The reason we were there was to watch Jeremy (my dear nephew) do some motocross racing. Jeremy is nine years old and loves racing his dirtbike. They have a track behind their house, so he gets plenty of hours in. He has just started racing – today being his third race day – and he already looks like a pro. You’d think he’d been at it for years.

The spectators - Kylie and Meika. Also there to cheer Jeremy on were Kevin, Kade, Opa, Oma and Uncle Evan, though they escaped the camera. I think being a spectator is a very difficult job. I found it very scary myself though I'm sure you get used to it. It is not uncommon for kids to wipe out, but they are resilient, and every one I saw fall, got back up and finished the race.

And we can't forget Timothy who loved it too and when asked where the bikes were, was quick to point them out!
Lining up for the start - Jeremy is second from the right.
And off they go! Jeremy is #156 (bike) or #9 (on his back).
As the ground dried up, it got very dusty - this was during the race in the afteroon.

Doesn't he look amazing?!!
Jeremy, we were very excited to watch you and proud of your great races. Keep up the great work! Kevin and Kade are already wondering when the next race is . . . and Kade is wondering when he can have his own dirtbike!


  1. That is just really scary that those are kids racing. I don't think I could even watch.

  2. Hey Denise,
    While our computer at home has speakers, they are rarely on, so I never noticed the music you have on your blog. Some days at work I just need to listen to some music, so I put on my headphones and pick a blog. Today I thought I would see if you have music on your blog, to my delight you do, and I've really enjoyed the songs you chose! Thank you!
