Thursday, July 3, 2008

Filling in the Cracks of June

Since there were many June events that haven't made it into a post, I thought I would fill in the holes of our lives in June in this post of random activities or pictures taken throughout the month.
We finished school at the end of May and I had promised the kids (and Kate) that we would take a "field trip" to Uncle Steve and Aunt Kate's goat farm when school was done. So we went over for the day and had a great time visiting, playing soccer (OUCH), and touring the barns.

Kylie was not overly impressed by the tour.

Some brand new babies.

Kade- getting braver, and proud of it!

And tough ole Kevin (the look says it all - Big deal picking up a goat)

Evan and Kylie on Father's Day. (Awww:))

Summer came over for the day while Rich & MB went to a wedding.

And of course they were happiest with their mouths full of food. These girls love to eat - especially junk food!

Kevin and Timothy.

Peek - A - Boo!

Jonathan had the Monday before Canada Day off work, so we thought we should do something fun for the kids, so we headed of to the park with the bikes and roller blades. Then the kids cooled off on the splash pad - though it wasn't a very warm day to begin with. Last year we couldn't get Kade onto the pad at all. He had a lot more fun this time.

Kevin getting doused by a bucket. . . .

. . .and loving it!

Kylie seems to have a fear of tunnels. . . .

. . . but certainly liked a lot of the other "riding toys".

These kind of days have a way of tiring a hard working man right out!

Jonathan tried to "buck" the boys of this bucking dinosaur. (It did get a little wild:))

All tired out.

Kade on the new climbing wall . . .

. . . and making it to the top!

Jonathan and Kevin on the spinning web.

And although not really in June, we'll include our Canada Day afternoon at the beach with Josh and Steph, MaryBeth, and Dad and Mom VD. The day was beautiful - although cold for swimming, though that never seems to matter to kids.
Kade and Jeremy

Kevin and Ryan.

Kylie - who seemed to enjoy the beach - although she was always very dirty -and did NOT like the cold water!


Brooke and Kylie

. . . and I think that just about covers it!


  1. Looks like you have been having fun, that park looks pretty sweet....which park is that? Summer looks like she might be taller than kylie in one of those pictures.

  2. Beautiful pictures, Denise! It looks like you guys had a fun June. You will have to come over sometime for a "just for fun" visit:) Kate would love to play with Kevin again.
