Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Something Old
Jo recently celebrated her 30th birthday and we all met together at Swiss Chalet for a surprise dinner for her. It's always nice to get together for a nice evening out like that, so thanks for giving us the excuse to do it Jo!

This is just a picture taken of Carrie's front porch. I always think it looks so nice, and since the dresser thing is an antique, I thought it fit well in this category - and it actually happens to be old, unlike Jo. I have to cover myself here, because I'm really not that far behind!

Something New
The young couples from our church recently got together for an evening of golf, and of course fellowship. As the sport was relatively new to a lot of us (especially the girls), it was a lot of fun and lots of laughs were shared.
Group 1 - Ken, Dan, Jonathan Group 2 - Greg, Josh, Joe, Piet
Group 3 - Rich, James and Adrian
Linda, Mel, Steph, Mary Beth, and Jen waiting and watching as the first group of girls teed off.
JenMary BethBethMel Me
Something Borrowed
My sister Carrie borrowed my boys for a few days last week. The boys had a blast there and were not neccesarily thrilled when I came to pick them up. One of their favorite activities is driving the four wheeler, which Kevin became rather adept at during his visit.
Something Blue
We recently joined the ranks of those who have invested in one of these small but efficient cooling devices. The boys and Jonathan LOVE having it, and Kylie is just learning that water is something that can be enjoyed. She went in today for the first time without screaming with panic!

1 comment:

  1. Haha Denise....You are right, you aren't that far away from 30 yourself:) Don't worry, I still feel as young as always, I have just added a few more pounds:(
