Friday, May 1, 2015

Kade is Eleven!

We are in the throes of birthdays over here (really only three! but it feels like a lot in a row:)).  Last week was Kade's turn.  Kade is a planner when it comes to birthdays and he is the one kid that I usually end up doing a birthday party for every year simply because he plans it and won't rest until we have figured out the details together:)

 The weekend Kade had his two best friends in the world over, was BEAUTIFUL! I don't think I would have considered it quite bathing suit weather, but they did and they had some fun with the sprinkler under the trampoline.
 When I think of Kade's birthday, I always think of a beautiful spring day. His birthday usually seems to be one of the first nice days of spring and we are able to spend time outside and do outside stuff after a long winter. So this year totally fit that mold!
 And then there was this the day after his birthday!!! Crazy stuff.
We went to the Whale Pool in London during Kade's birthday party.  Kade is a swimmer, so he really wanted to do something with swimming. 
 The kids all had a lot of fun with the rock climbing wall, water slide, and whatever else.
And now some Kade facts:
 Kade only sometimes has an imagination . . .but it comes out very distinctly when dealing with warfare. Kade loves swords etc. and so it is not a strange sight to see him outside with a sword or chopped off golf club fighting some imaginary friend (or enemy!). . . or snowman.  He loves to duel with whomever will give him the time and he loves the sound of unsheathing his sword from his belt . . . .and will do it over and over.
  Kade loves fishing and frog catching and worms and all those other yucky boy things.
 Like I said earlier, Kade is a swimmer and loves water.  He is the first to go in and the last to get out when we go swimming. This is a good thing . . . especially b/c his goal in life right now has to do with the water!
Kade wants to be a coast guard when he grows up. This doesn't seem to be a passing fancy either. He has talked about this for a couple years now and it what he dressed up as for Career Day at school last year.
 Kade enjoys his sports as well. His previous love for football seems to have been taken over by a love for hockey. He is not quite as crazy as Kevin is . . but almost.  He love to play on the ice and also spends a fair amount of time in the basement too.
His one very strong wish for his birthday was a CCM Tacks hockey stick. I found the picture pulled up on my computer screen more than once!
(He did get one;))
Kade also enjoys soccer and has been well coached the past few years and is learning some strategy. He has been pushed to work on some of his weaknesses and he has good feeling of accomplishment when he achieves after much practice.

Kade enjoys and has the patience for things like this:
(made out of Jenga blocks) 
We took Kade for a round of golf for his birthday.  After a rough start, he did really quite well. I told him, he will likely be one of those retired guys who golfs three or four times a week.  His favorite part was looking for golf balls in the ravines and gullies with Jayden . . . so I guess he still has a fair amount of kid in him yet.
 Kade likes to run and does fairly well at it.   He is not usually too eager to practice, but does like to compete.
 Kade loves these sleeveless shirts. I guess if you look this good in them, why not eh? ;)
 Kade and his most favorite cousin and friend!
 These two think so alike and enjoy a lot of the same things. I love their relationship!
 Kade still has very little sense of neat. He is a "get er done" kind of kid and there are no points for neatness in his mind. After supper Kade is in charge of straightening out the mat and getting rid of all the extra shoes. The mat usually looks decent when he is done . . . .the closet on the other hand is often a disaster! . . and its really not that complicated! Same story for his bed and clothes.  
 BUT! If he really puts his mind to it (which is hard for a boy this distracted), he can do a good job. Jonathan gave him a job out in the shop a couple weeks ago and he stuck with it and Jonathan was pleased. So it can be done.
 Kade does live in a bit of his own world some time and has to shake his head to focus on occasion. He will hear and know that he is being told something, and then all of the sudden he'll look at you and say, "Huh? What did you just say?" or  he'll hear, walk away to start doing it and either get distracted and forget completely, or come back and say, "What did you tell me to do?"  Funny, but frustrating sometimes! 
 Kade is not a huge reader, but he does have his moments when he likes to get cozy with a book, and he often reads in bed. His favorites are still comic type books.
 Kade is already into how he looks (only sometimes!) and has his own ideas too.  What I might think is completely ridiculous, he will think is the absolute best. We do a lot of compromising . . . but I do think it is neat that he has his own ideas.  We do try to strike a balance between inner and outer beauty and the greater importance of what is inside! 
 Kade is very good with Karter, gets along quite well with Kevin, and teases and bugs Kylie mercilessly. He is the reason our house is often filled with screeching and unnecessary noise! 
 Kade is helpful with Konnor  . . . for a short while. He doesn't mind helping out, but if he doesn't get instant silence he will assure me that Konnor is very hungry and that I should take over for him.
 Kade is an average student at school .. .but exerts very little effort much to my chagrin. He finds memorizing hard . . without help. I think it is merely a matter of applying himself and using his time wisely!
Kade likes a little bit of danger and is willing to take risks. He is the kind of kid you see out of the corner of your eye jumping off the roof onto the trampoline. He loves the trampoline and doing flips - frontwards and backwards.
 Kade doesn't like potatoes, casserole, or rice. But he will eat them all . . .b/c there is not much else left. His favorites are spaghetti, chili, pizza, hotdogs and he loves caesar salad. I asked him what his favorite meal would be and he informed me: croissants, chicken wings, and caesar salad. So that is what he got on his birthday . . . though he did eat some of the stomput the rest of us were eating too.
Kade is finishing off his second year of piano lessons. He doesn't enjoy it, but I think it comes fairly easy to him and so we carry on for a while yet:)
Kade LOVES music - especially if is has some good beat to it.  We are still trying to get him to sing in church as well or with as much passion as he sings at home or in the van.
 Kade still loves computer games/cell phone games. He has very limited access, but if the chance every arises, he will take it with much joy!
 Kade is growing up fast. In a lot of ways he seems to be right behind Kevin . . . which is kind of fun. They enjoy each other and don't mind hanging out. Their interests have really become quite similar which is probably why this works. Kade can have a very sensitive and tender heart . . . though some days I fear he is growing out of it . . .and then suddenly it will surface again. He is growing up and getting some attitude which is all part of the game I suppose. 
Kade, we love you! We love the uniqueness you bring to our family.  Each one of us is different and we enjoy the blend you bring to the mixture.  You bring humour and make us laugh . . sometimes when we shouldn't! You love a good joke and love making people smile.  
Keep your eyes on Jesus, Kade. It is way to easy to lose sight of what is important and do the easy thing rather than the right thing. We pray often for strength and courage for our boys.  We pray that you will be a man of God who loves Him deeply and is not afraid to stand up for Him. It will never be easy, but remember where your strength comes from!  
We love you!!


  1. Happy Birthday Kade, we love you! I'm super impressed that thing you made with the Jenga pieces, super ambitious! You must take after your uncle Nate with thinking the baby is hungry if you can't get them quiet, he does the same thing:)

  2. ahh Kade... my dear namesake ;) He's a charming young chap! Neat to read some of these things that I actually didn't know about him! It will be so neat to look back on these posts! Love it!
