Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Konnor at Two Months

Can't believe two months have already flown by. I know, I know.  Things continue to go very well. He is a super easy baby and we love him to bits.
 He gets a LOT of love from Karter and doesn't always appreciate it. Karter loves to get right in his face. He is trying hard to be a good big brother. He has even carried Konnor around a few times . . . though he has firm instructions not to! I keep a close eye/ear on these two!
He gave us his first smile between four and five weeks and now gives them to us quite frequently. If he has had the sleep he needs and has been fed, it is pretty easy to get a smile out of him!  And we are not bored or sick of trying yet either. You just can't help but smiling back and it just makes us happy too:)
He does have fussy times which can usually be solved by someone snuggling with him. Kade was the lucky one this time. I will admit that the kids aren't quite as excited to help me in this area as they once were. It means sitting still and I guess that has never been any of their strong points.  I am thankful that he does fuss a couple times a day or it would be easy to just get by with feeding him. I am glad that I have to take the time to snuggle or hold him. I am pretty good at getting things done with him in my arms and am pretty sure that the muscles on my left arm are growing;)
Konnor has had his first cold. It never amounted to much more than a very nasty sounding cough and a bigt of sniffles, so we are thankful for that. I think it sounded worse than it was, b/c it didn't seem to bother him too much.
He tracks movement and noise very well and passed his hearing test. I was initially a little worried about his hearing b/c of the amount of noise in our house and how little he was bothered by it. He sleeps through a lot and I guess is just used to it!
Sometimes when trying to get a smile out of him he will look anywhere but at me. I can get right in his face and he will keep looking anywhere but at me. He also seems to smile at absolutely nothing and I wonder what has caught his eye sometimes. But there are lots of smiles that are just for us too!
He started to coo and talk at about 7 weeks and we love that too. He sometimes seems surprised by the sound of his voice.
He has a pretty strong neck and doesn't mind a bit of tummy time.
He loves to be cozy.
He has the softest skin and cheeks and gets thousands of kisses . . .from all of us!
He is definitely changing in looks but most people still say either Kade  . . . or a mixture of Kevin and Kade.
He is definitely going to have blue eyes! (and blue clothes make them even bluer)
He has no particular schedule but goes with the flow.  I like it that way.  He does do AMAZING when in his car seat and on the go. I can usually run errands for over three hours and he will sleep the whole time. It makes groceries and church etc. a piece of cake!
He takes a soother very well and I always have one nearby!
He does not nap near that long at home. I think the longest stretch is usually an hour and a half or so. He does a lot of cat napping when at home.
Konnor is officially a slow gainer according the the midwives. When I went for my discharge appointment at 6.5 weeks I was sure he had gained a lot. He was only 10lbs 13oz . . which was okay, but only 1/2 an ounce gained per day. Anyhow, I think he looks just fine and am not worried at all.
He does fairly well through the night . . . definitely not sleeping through yet, but I usually don't feed him more than two times and one is usually about a half hour before I have to get up . . . which works well b/c then he is asleep again while I get the kids on the bus.
He still has his worried look often enough . . . .
He likes his bath most of the time now - except for the first few seconds when he is maybe confused about what is going on. Once he is settled in, he is quite content.
He is making good use of his bouncy chair, but I wouldn't say he loves it. It is kind of just where he goes when he is awake and we need to get things done. It is handy b/c if he does get fussy, I have him on the island and can flit between him and whatever job I am trying to accomplish, or I can bounce him with my foot while working on the computer.
Life is good. I have to pace myself to get jobs done and things checked off my list . . . b/c it is definitely not as easy as it was pre-baby, but I think I have found my groove and just don't tackle as much either. This time is too short and I just want to enjoy it!  We love you Konnor and thank God every day for you!


  1. He is adorable, and I love that little blue fuzzy hat too. :)
    I don't think I ever asked you how you liked having midwives this time around. What did you think?
    Hope one of these days, as you juggle the new schedule (or lack thereof) we can find a day to get together.

  2. He's getting way too big! So adorable!
