Friday, July 12, 2013

Teeth . . . . Or Lack Thereof!

This first picture was taken at the beginning of June and shows a (basically) full mouth of teeth.  She has three baby teeth lost at this point, but they have grown back in (except the one you can see is still being worked on!)
Before her first front tooth came out, she could move it around all over the place in rather unsightly ways. We were actually relieved when it did come out . . . .even though I sure did love that baby toothed smile! 
Halfway through June the first front tooth finally came out . . . in the grocery store after she bumped into a shelf or something when she wasn't watching where she was going! 
The second one followed about a week and a half later and I was glad it did.  Two missing teeth is better than one . . . .symmetry you know?! 
At this point, apple eating was quite the chore, but it didn't stop her! I think that's how she lost this one. 
 And then the bottom one came out two and now she looks like she has a mouth full of holes!  We love to tease her, and we think it is quite cute!
I was kind of hoping the way she talked would change because she didn't have the two teeth to push her tongue against.  It did only slightly. I hear it on her "S's" just slightly and it makes me smile every time.  I don't tell her though, b/c the first time I heard it, I asked her to repeat herself and then I laughed.  Big mistake. She thought I was making fun of her and she burst into tears. Now I just smile quietly to myself.

 . . . my two front teeth . . . .except we think she is quite cute without them! Since we know it is such a short stage, we're just going to enjoy those big holes in her mouth.  We know they'll be filled up before long, and the replacements are just never quite as cute as those baby teeth that were lost!


  1. These pictures are soo cute! I personally think Kylie looks so cute without her teeth too and I love how she talks right now!! It is a cute stage! Enjoy it before the huge gomers come in!! haha

  2. Her expressions clearly state that she is one bundle of fun! Maybe mischievous fun too? Those eyes just hold that type of sparkle :o) I love her toothless smiles!
