Thursday, July 19, 2012

COPA - 2012

So this year, Kevin and Kade got to do COPA for Kids . . . . not just once . . . but twice!!
First in St.Thomas . . . 
Here they flew together in this plane: 
 I feel like I can totally tell that that is Kade looking out the back window!
 Up, Up, and away!
 And 15-20 minutes later they return!
 Some of the highlights were doing the "bumps in the road" (something that was a huge favorite of mine when I was a kid!), seeing "lego men soccer players", seeing all the pools, roads, and cars.

 And the 9:30am hotdogs and coke.  YUM??!!

 Then two weeks later we went to Tillsonburg and since Mel lives so close, she came over with the kids to watch and keep me company . . . which was nice b/c we (Kevin and Kade) DID have to wait in line this time!
 They split up and each went in a two seater.

 And Kade heading out to his plane . . .
 And away he went. Kade's was an amphibian plane I believe (land and water) which he thought was pretty cool!
 And then back on solid ground.  Their flights here were closer to 1/2 hour!

So that was two fun Saturday mornings in June! Kylie and Tim got to spend their waiting time in a bouncy tent, so the waiting was not a big deal and Ky got to have something fun of her own.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a neat program! I wish I was a kid again :)
