Friday, May 4, 2012

Wacky Hair Day!

Today was Wacky Hair/Hat Day at CCS. 
We had fun with it and sounds like most of the school did as well!
 We experimented with it a bit last night with their hair long, but then they both decided to get it cut and do the mohawk.
 Funny thing is - Jonathan really likes the new style!
 Isn't he adorable:)
 We experimented with Kade's hair like this except with the full head (before the hair cut). Then we cut it. Kade came out of bed about an hour and a half after we put them to bed. He had tears in his eyes.  He said, "What's so wierd about a mohawk. I don't think I wanted my hair cut."  Oops. Little late for that.  I told him he'd still have the colour part - that's wacky.  He came out a few minutes later, telling me that wasn't that cool either.  So I told him I'd try and do the twists with the remaining hair. That worked. 

 Now to see if I have time to finish the haircuts before Sunday;) !!
They are hoping I won't.


  1. Kevin is such a goon! what a nerd!! the boys are cuties!! Happy birthday to Kade and Kylie too.. I meant to write something down below but I don't think I ended up doing it.. Love your kids!!

  2. You have got to be kidding!! You CUT their hair into mohawks?? That is hilarious! I bet it looks super sweet when its not gelled into one! Ha Ha :) Hope you don't have time to fix it, I want to see it in real life! The cut looks pretty good! Nice work :)
