Friday, May 11, 2012

Karter At One Month!

As determined as I am to cherish every moment and not rush time . . . time rushes on anyway.  I really can't believe he is already a month.  The other side of that I guess is that I can't really hardly imagine life without him.  We are really enjoying our little man.  What a gift from God.
At one month:
  • He is settling into life nicely. He still has his fussy times and definite times of sore tummy, but he has lots of contented and happy times too. 
  • He loves to be cuddled and held.
  • He loves his soother most of the time. There are times though when the soother is really NOT the answer he is looking for.

  •  He has no schedule whatsover. Probably my fault:), but so far it's working for us.
  • He sneezes more than any baby I know!
  • He has a very strong neck and holds himself up very well.
  • Has been smiling for two weeks already, but really makes us work for them still.

  •  Has big blue eyes and focuses very well.
  • Doesn't do particulary well in his carseat - not bad, but not good either.
  • Loves being in the bath - just not the "air time" getting in/out.
  • Loves having a blankie by his cheek. Cozy!
  • His mouth shape makes me laugh when he starts to cry. It is funny.
  • Got lipstick put on him today by Kylie.
  • Has a very healthy set of lungs and uses them often enough.
  • Is 10lbs and maybe a few ounces. He was exactly 10 lbs on Monday.
  • Has outgrown a few sleepers already. (They were a pretty good fit when he was born already)
  • Is spoiled.  Lots of outfits to wear/lookforward to wearing. Lots of hands/arms to hold him.
We love this little guy so much!!!


  1. What a cute little man you have!! Congratulations on his birth, and also on surviving the first month! ;-) At the risk of sounding like one of those people who always has unwanted advice, you might consider looking up some info on acid reflux (if you haven't already). A dear friend of mine had a baby who had definite fussy/ sore tummy times and also did not appreciate the car seat, they got the baby on anti-reflux meds, and the baby was like a new (happy!) child. Apparently the car seat position really aggravates reflux so that is why some babies hate carseats....Ok, that is my 2 cents worth. ;-) Your family is beautiful, and your last post on Kylie made me laugh. :-D

  2. He is a beautiful blessing. I have been reading, but have been a bad commenter. Your family is getting so big. It is hard to believe! (o;

  3. Look at him getting so big! What a sweetie. :o) Good thing you're taking lots of pictures, because they change so fast.
    Glad to hear that things are going well over there.

  4. What a sweetie!! Congratulations on your littlest man!! Hugs to you!!
    Love, Steph

  5. He is adorable!!! What a little sweetheart!

  6. Cute, cute, cute! He looks great! :-)

  7. I see so many changes in him!! pic #2 - hugely you!! pic # 3, I see sooo much of Rich and a little of Ken! Funny to see all those little family resemblances! Can't wait for some snuggles on sunday!
