Saturday, April 14, 2012

So Excited. So Proud. So Blessed.

We are super thrilled to announce the birth of our son!!
Karter Seth
Born on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @ 1:18am
9lbs 3oz
22 inches
Proud siblings: Kevin, Kade and Kylie!  

Ready to go out into the big wide world!
 Home with a thrilled daddy!
 Kylie loves to help already . . . and I think she will be a huge help to me!

For You formed my inward parts;

You covered me in my mother’s womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works,

And that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.

And in Your book they all were written,

The days fashioned for me,

When as yet there were none of them.

And since I should present things factually . . . this is a bit more accurate picture of our little man --- which just translates to more snuggle time (and a whole lot less work being accomplished, and a little less sleep . . . but I am just choosing to enjoy this bonding time!! I know he'll grow up way too fast anyway, so a fussy baby is helping me cherish the moment!!)
And that's all the details I can do for now. Someone is calling!


  1. Congratulations guys! We pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength you need to raise your children in the fear and knowledge of his name.
    What a little sweetie! :o) We'd love to come and see you all sometime soon - please let us know what works for you!
    Will and Chris.

  2. he sure is adorable Denise!!!! You have some pretty cute pictures of the little stinker!!! You look amazing!!! And I can't wait to snuggle him again!
    love mare

  3. Awwwh!! He is adorable!! So happy for you all, God is so good!! Hope you feel well Denise and hope he is letting you get some sleep!! And I hope your house isn't still on the market...however will you manage?!? Wishing you God's strength & blessings. Congratulations!! :)

  4. Congratulations - so happy to hear he's here safe and sound!
    Thanks for posting some pictures, I was looking forward to a little glimpse. Love his chubby cheeks and he looks so alert already with his eyes wide open.
    Enjoy this special time. Sleep when you can, I'll be thinking of you when I'm up with Dennis ;)

  5. Congratulations!! What a wonderful blessing! He looks so healthy! Enjoy these precious times! May God bless and strengthen you and your bigger family! :-)

  6. Congratulations! I'm glad he's safely here - enjoy the snuggles!

  7. Ya Denise congratulations!!!! What a cutie!!! Can't wait to meet him!

  8. Hooray!! So glad he is here, safe and sound. We can't wait to meet him. Hope this time is blessed for you, enjoy the extra snuggle time;-)

  9. Congratulations guys! What a little cutie! Can't wait to see him in person! I hope he lets you get some rest, and Denise remember to take it easy...:)
    Love the Dykstras

  10. Congratulations! hope everyone is adjusting to having a new little one in the house :)

  11. Congratulations! What a cutie and how fun that the whole family is watching this little guy grow. You have a good perspective to let the house work wait and enjoy this time with a cuddly little one.
