Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dream Come True . . .

The story begins on Saturday morning.  I got a call from Carrie.  She chatted and scoped out my general health and plans for the day before breaking the news that she had two extra Toronto Maple Leaf tickets that she needed to find owners for!  Friends of hers from church (Randy and Judy) have seasons tickets and connections to a few more . . . so 6 seats all together. Darwin and Jeremy were not overly interested (crazy folks) so we popped up on Carrie's radar.  Jonathan had to milk that afternoon and our departure time was 3:30ish, so it was easy to figure out who got to go with me:)  Kevin was super excited!! This was a dream come true for him (and me!).  I have been to a Leafs game when I was about Kevin's age and have probably been figuring out how to get back (without breaking the bank) ever since then!  We had pondered catching the Leafs in Florida (they played the Panthers last time we were there), but even that seemed a little too pricey. So to have tickets fall into our laps like this was just SUPERB!
 We stopped at McDonald's for supper on the way, hit a bit of traffic (which the kids just LOVED!) but were soon within feet of the ACC!
 And then we found out where we got to sit!  They had two seets RIGHT behind the goalie (like second row, aisle seets) .  Kevin and I got those seats for the first period.  The other four seats were also fantastic . . . a little higher up and a little more "centre ice", so a bit more view of the entire ice surface.  We watched from there for the second period. The third period we moved back down to the ice level to some empty seats that the usher (who our hosts know) scoped out for us b/c they weren't being used that night.  FANTASTIC!!!

Kevin's little write up. Funny how he recalls very different details than I would write about if I had to write a summary of my night! Thought I'd include it, so we have two viewpoints:)
 The Leafs actually won!! It was their first home win since mid February I believe!! (I think it was b/c of me . . . hint hint) It was a pretty exciting game to watch too . . . especially the dying seconds of the game!

 Randy and Judy had extra jerseys, so Carrie and I got to look very patriotic too!
 And Randy and Judy totally spoiled us . . . not only driving us down there, but buying Kevin a TML puck and game night program and this bear for the new baby (which Kylie has seriously adopted as her own . . . and when I tell Jonathan that she should be not dragging it all over the house - it is white after all - he tells me that if Carlton was in Toy Story, he would be a very happy bear . . . .so I guess I shall let her play with him all she wants:))
So that was a fun (albeit late) night!!! I'd do it again in a heartbeat and maybe next time I'd let Jonny Boy come with me;)  Thanks Carrie for thinking of me. I know there are tonnes of people who would have jumped at the opportunity to go and I'm very grateful that you asked me . . . and Kevin is most definitely too.   I'm thinking that if i get to a few more games next year, the Leafs will most likely win the Stanley Cup!!!


  1. WOW, very cool! Just cuz I know how much you would be into that! I would not be on the list of people to call.... (much to hubby's chagrine:P )

  2. Yes... That does look super cool!!! Must have been a neat experience!

  3. P.S. I kept wondering why "SCRIVENS" kept showing up on all the pictures. Then I noticed that the back of his helmet looks like Steve's, so I deducted that he must be the goalie. BA HA HA (I faithfully follow the TML's obviously :P )

    Oh, and p.p.s. you're now overdue!!

  4. that is awesome!!!!!Also love the pic of little Ky with Carlton!!
