Last Thursday Kade finally lost his first tooth - during his soccer game. It was momentous. It had been hanging by what seemed like a thread for about a week - enduring through apples, corn on the cob and much wiggling. But it came out during the game - and of course Kade had to run it over to me on the sidelines, show everyone on his team and his coaches - at least three times! and just wear this goofy grin.
He's ready for it to come off, though he is already rather adept at dealing with it and its discomforts. He took a paintbrush (one of those long skinny ones) to bed with him last night, so he could itch inside the cast when necessary. They are saying four weeks, but I'm waiting for a call from London where we need to do follow up. I'm hoping its off before we leave for the cottage on Saturday (but I think that's rather wishful thinking!) We are thankful though that he does not seem to be in any pain right now and that he is dealing with it very gracefully so far (hopefully that continues!)
OH Honey!! That's not to good at all! Hope it heals quickly and still has tonnes of fun at the cottage (cuz I don't see how it could be off that quick) just saying :)