Friday, June 26, 2009


The last few weeks have seen a lot of “cousin” time for our kids. All of our kids love hanging out with their cousins – whether they be the one year olds or the ones close in age to them. We are thankful for the large families we both come from – cousins (and aunts and uncles and grandparents) are a real blessing and we thank God for each member of our family! So here are a few of the pictures of just a few of the cousins. It became obvious to me as I was going through my pictures that the younger kids are much easier to track down than the older ones - so not too many pictures of the older cousins, but we love them too!:)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this kind of random, miscellaneous post!! The pictures are great!! What a bunch of cute nephews and nieces you have :-) Brooke is going to be a heart breaker someday! I love the bunny ears/bow pictures of Kylie and Anna! what a bunch of goofs :) It looks like you guys have a riot on the beach..... i love beach pictures! can't wait for camping!!!!!
