Friday, June 19, 2009

Bomber Bob

Uncle Eric and Aunt Leinie have been preparing for some time to take down one of their silos. They mentioned to me that the boys may like to watch. Since it involved dynamite, noise, and crashing down, I agreed. This would be something they would enjoy. So we joined the others who were dragged from their sleep to view this demolition. Notice that they chipped away at the bottom of the silo - this somehow prepared it to fall in the right direction. (Some wondered how it managed to stay standing . . . or if you should really dare stand in the vicinity)
One loud bang, and down she went.
And then this is all that remained.

For a video replay of the events click on compliments of Brenda (though I'm not sure she wants me advertising the fact:)) (By the way, you'll have to crank your neck sideways if you want to watch it straight:)) Thanks for letting us share in the experience!

1 comment:

  1. I was particularly fond of Brenda's commentary on the video:) Great pictures!!
