Monday, August 18, 2008

Kevin is Seven!

Kevin celebrated his seventh birthday while we were camping as well. I was going to wait until after his birthday party to do his birthday post, but his party has been postponed for a few weeks, so I thought I better go ahead and do this post. I don't always love the fact that Kevin's birthday falls during our holidays, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact on the day before his birthday, he mentionned in the afternoon that it was his birthday that day, and didn't even seem to wonder why nobody was acknowledging it. I guess camp in itself is a great gift when you are seven years old. Anyway, when the gifts came out the next day, he didn't turn them down. We bought Kevin a bike this year that I found at a garage sale (sold b/c their child was scared of it, and they were heading out west - so it was in brand new condition). Kevin has long been hinting that he would love a new bike (like all his cousins:)). The look on his face when he lifted up the tarp was priceless. Kylie enjoyed the festivities!As did other members of the family. What do we love about Kevin? Kevin is a great kid with lots of attitude and personality. This is usually good, but definitely not always. He is an excellent helper to me and can whip things into order in a real jiffy. He is a very hard worker and loves to help Jonathan whenever he can too. He is and always has been full of energy which makes him a gifted sportsman. I love watching Kevin play soccer or skate, or hit a baseball or whatever else he has taken up at the moment.
He is also excellent with Kade and Kylie most (but definitely not all) times. He is a typical, but good big brother. One of my favorite things about Kevin is his ability to soak up and remember just about anything he hears. I especially notice this as we do devotions. Even when he doesn't seem to be paying too much attention, he hears it all and can report back perfectly. This is definitely a gift as well, and one we are very thankful for. We love you Kevin, and pray that you will continue to grow in the LORD and the love of His Word!


Anna-Lynn recently celebrated her birthday as well! So we headed over there for the big first year birthday party. It was a beautiful day outside, and we were all kept well entertained. The kids of course had a great time playing games, soccer, and just enjoying eachother. Water balloon toss As Kate said, "What would a birthday party be without sloppy joes?"
Anna's first present was a Webkinz puppy. Nothing else mattered to Anna after that, but the other kids were willing helpers, so the rest of the gifts still got opened:)


  1. Happy Birthday Kevin
    We love you lots! And pray that the Lord will continue to bless you all the days of your life. Live for Jesus. You will never regret it!
    Opa & Oma Van Dyk

  2. sweet post, Denise, i love how you wrote about Kevin. 7 already, wow. what a handsome little guy he is, looking so old in that second pic!! very cute. glad you're having a good summer, sad that its almost over eh?? love your blog :)- & happy birthday Kevin!! Carole
