Tuesday, August 23, 2016


One sunny Sunday morning in late June, I woke up to find 6 tiny kittens under our couch on the deck. I thought two were dead as they were far from their mother ,but fortunately they still had breath in them and I snuggled them in with the rest and it didn't take long for them to dry off and gain a bit of strength.
A week or so later, they opened their eyes and started to get cute . . .
The kids (and Arianna) all picked out their kitty.  Little did they know we were not keeping all 6 kittens!
Thankfully Ashley was in need of two kitties and just before camping at the beginning of August, she came to pick them up.
We now have four kitties. The momma disappeared while we were camping, so 4 seems somewhat manageable. They are underfoot a LOT and are somewhat annoying, but the kids really love them and they are not a lot of work, so for now we will allow four. I don't really worry about having four forever. Our track record is not that great!
This one looks just slightly irritated!
This is my favorite. Her name is Peaches and she belongs to Kylie.
This is Kevin's kitty and has ear issues:) First the ear was bent way back. We finally got that fixed and then the other kitties started chewing on it and her ear was disappearing.  It seems to be all healed now, but it is still not very normal.
It has been a long time since we had kittens, and it is fun to see them romp and wrestle and have fun together. It is not so fun to eat lunch outside with four kitties trying to climb your legs and steal your food. It is fun to see Konnor with the kittens. He will make sure are cats that are used to human beings and can take a lot of abuse:)

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