Monday, August 5, 2013

Finished! Projects

I'm not quite sure I can identify the exact thing that brought on this bout of motivation, but I am glad to have had it and I am glad to be done these two projects. Though there was absolutely no rush, both had been sitting around for a long time . . .the frame for over half a year (partially done) and my "bookshelf thingy" for over 2 years. I had the ideas for how I wanted to finish them pretty much right away, so it wasn't as if I was waiting for that kind of inspiration! I'm sorry Jenn, but I think it just may have been your "chalk paint fail" story that got me moving and once I got started on the one project, the paint flowed and I figured I may as well get the other one done too.
Here is a "Before" shot of the frame.  The frame came from my Uncle and Aunt's old barn.  I think that this is actually a slightly different one, because the block sizes are slightly different in the one I finished. I'm guessing I started painting and then wanted a "before" picture, so I took this one.  (told you it was a long time ago!)
And the after!
The top is chalk board paint (worked like a charm!) and the bottom is painted cork board.  
I am happy with how it turned out . . . though when I am finished I always look back and wish I had been more patient.  When I get a mind to do a project I usually want it completed the same day (or at the very latest the next day!) This tends to mean I do not take my time and I am NO WHERE near a perfectionist.   I always tell Jonathan "Rustic, Jon. Rustic!"  Yah. It's totally an excuse.
And Jonathan even hung it up for me the same week.  (may or may not have been a result of him feeling sorry for me after I fixed and refixed the chalk as various young hands came to check and recheck it out!)
We hung it in the office and it is a good burst of colour.  It makes me smile and so do the faces beaming back at me when I look at it!
Project #2!
I couldn't find a "before" for this one . . but it was already white and just needed a good refresher and then I added the stencils.  
I am really liking the finished result here too. It keeps Kylie's room much neater too. She is the kind of girl who goes down before bed and grabs about 20 books and then falls asleep reading them and they end up all over the floor.  This keeps things a bit tidier.  
And Kate, you'll be happy to know she has even more holes in her walls . . .bit by bit . . room by room we are getting this place decorated!  
The boys are quite jealous that Kylie gets all this stuff in her room.  Their walls are still bare . . .though I assure them I DO have ideas!  I'll have to work on them next . . . though it is FAR easier to do a girls room than a boys in my opinion!


  1. WOW! That looks SOOO good!! Both of them look like pictures straight out of a magazine! Lovin the progress! Now I believe we've been privy to completed pictures of the Kitchen, Office and Ky's room. Keep up the good work! :D

  2. Great job Denise!
    I get impatient too when I paint but I think that us moms know that at anytime little people in the house will demand our attention or get into what we are working on.
    Hobby lobby in the states has great themes for bedrooms and they have good prices too.

  3. I love the blue chalkboard thing you did!!!! So cute! The office looks soo cozy!! Also Ky's room is adorable!!!

  4. I think your before picture of the window is the one that I have - which is still sitting outside getting the cobwebs cleaned off ;). I love your idea! (You may find something similar At my house in about 2 years) Everything is looking super cozy!

  5. Great job Denise!! I especially loved the chalkboard!! What a great idea!

  6. Great job Denise looking good! Are you on pinterest, there are lots of good decorating ideas on there! I have a whole board of boys roooms pinned there.

  7. Awesome job! Kylies room is so cute!
