Saturday, March 2, 2013

Come and See . . .

 . . . what Karter figured out how to do yesterday!  We are all pretty proud of him.
Pretty cute eh?!!
He is still rather dangerous, but he seems to prefer being upright. He walks around holding onto everything . . .even walls and then will lunge (and usually make it) between objects.  He does have a fairly nice bruise on his forehead again as evidence that he is not quite "fluent" as of yet. 
Another interesting fact I noted is the family trait that just keeps on surfacing (and I absolve myself completely!)  You'll see that the video begins with Kade's tongue between his teeth, and ends with Kevin doing the same.  Too funny.
Also, not sure why Kevin is referring to himself as "Papa" . . .


  1. Super cute!! What a big boy he is already!! Kevin and Kade are awfully cute too:)

  2. I think you can safely blame Jon for the tongue sticking out. :o)

    Karter is getting so big! Can't believe he's walking! Anna won't be there for a long time yet, I'm sure.


  3. haha!! Denise that is very very cute, all of them. Kev & I had a laugh at your last line. :) very cute, and he must be quite the smart boy to be walking already!! he is only like 10 months right? my boys were quite the unmotivated bunch, maybe b/c they were so fat. :)

    very cute, and so nice to see you the other day!! always love to catch up with you. :)
