Thursday, October 11, 2012

Six Months Ago.

Wow. Its already been six months.  I can hardly believe it.  It seems like we've been at this forever and yet the time has flown.  Six months ago today we put the "shovel" to the ground for our new house. We are still working on it.  We are not living in it yet, but we are getting really close - another month at the most and we'll be in if all goes well!  (and we're hoping it does, b/c the weather is a bit chilly both inside and out right now.  We are living in the old house pictured and it is old.  It also has little to no insulation going on and there is no heat source. We took that out in order to build.  So the weather is our deadline!! So far we are hanging in there . . . though we are glad we are here and not in Manitoba or other places where the snow has already made its presence known! We wouldn't mind a bit of a heat wave again though!) 
 But!!!! Much more importantly!!!! Six months ago we welcomed this extremely handsome little dude into the world. All in a days work!  When I think of six months in terms of having Karter around . . . wow. I can't believe he's already been here for half a year. Amazing!

At six months Karter:
  •  is eating rice cereal.  I started him at about 5.5 months.  The first night was great. The second and third not so great.  Since then we've played around with it a bit. Some times it goes well - other times not.  What did work well was making it thinner and letting him drink from the bowl - but as well as that works, and as quick as he guzzles it down, I'm making an effort in the last two days to try to use the spoon. This boy has already learned too many bad habits from me. I really shouldn't teach him another!
  • is sitting up!  Not perfectly at all, but he does it for decent lengths of time. I generally  have pillows or carpet in the vicinity.
  • if placed on his back, will generally roll over to his tummy pretty quick - and he seems to prefer it that way.   If I put him down, I generally put him on his belly to play b/c that seems to work best.
  • has a temper. This boy has a mind of his own and lets me know.  He is smart like that.  For example - when nursing - he knows there are two sides. If I try to skip a side, he gets MAD!!  There is no fooling him. 
  • is still almost always hungry.  He rarely makes it to 3 hours b/w feedings. Night or day.
  • likes the mum mum crackers. 
  • is teething - getting one of the top ones - not sure which one. He is going to have funny teeth I think!
  • has two different size bottom teeth.
  • is ticklish.
  • loves peek a boo and other games like that.
  • loves attention. He gets alot - but always wants more. If someone will smile at him, he will generally smile back. But if he feels ignored, he'll start making himself known.
  • loves action.  He is almost always good in the nursery or settings like that b/c there is so much going on.
  • is maybe starting to play shy???!  with certain people? hopefully not.
  • scoots around in circles when lying on his belly.
  • loves his toys. 
  • has moved from his "basket" to the pack n play for sleeping. This is going better as of late. At first I think it just felt all too big and cold.  I think he is getting used to it.
  • is still wearing the same onesies he wore home from the hospital. Not sure how. But they work and they are definitely not terribly snug. They work great for the layering we've been doing.
  • loves to help me "type" on the computer. I used to be able to hold him and still accomplish things at the computer. No more.
  • loves faces.  He loves to grab. I have the scratches to prove it.  (and that was the day after I cut his nails!!) I am glad I don't wear glasses all the time. Earrings are also a favorite.
  • makes all kind of funny noises - depending on his mood. They make us laugh.
  • loves paper.  He can't have it. It will be destroyed and eaten promptly.
  • makes us all incredibly happy.  We are so thankful for him (and all our other children too;))!! What wonderful blessings from our Lord!


  1. What a cutie. :o)
    Would love to see some progress pics of the house....

  2. absolutely darling!!!!!love it!!! but i'm with Chris... I thought this was going to be a "then and now" post of the house. Make it a separate one maybe? soon?

  3. Wondering how those other children are doing??
