Saturday, March 24, 2012

A March Break to Remember!

And because if I don't get this onto the blog real soon, I am not likely to recall just how fabulous and extraordinary this years March Break really was!
I didn't have a lot planned for March Break, but I did have some ideas if we were to be cooped up inside for too many days.  But I didn't need to use any of those ideas. It was great to just spend time at home - b/c the weather was just so ideal. We all spent a large portion of each day out doors. 
Lots of springtime fun was "pulled out" - ripsticks, basketballs, baseballs,bats and gloves, sandbox toys etc.The bikes were readied for riding and lots of time spent on them.
Shorts and t-shirts were the thing to wear - for all of us!!
 . . . when they weren't in their bathing suits that is!  This one still baffles me.  I can remember March Breaks from my childhood when it would get up to 8 degrees celsius or so and we'd pull out our shorts and think it was just SO hot.  I remember March Breaks when we would head out to the woods and come back wet, b/c we thought it was hot enough to swim in the shallow water on the other side of the pond.  But I don't ever remember a March break as hot as this one - except last year - and that doesn't count b/c we were in Florida!!  (but temperatures were almost comparable!)
When the kids first asked to go in the sprinkler, I didn't think it was perhaps the best idea and I pushed them off until "after lunch."  And then, since they were convinced they would melt if they didn't get wet, I allowed them. 
The most remarkable thing for me is that they didn't do this for three minutes and then give up. The first time (and there were quite a few times over two days), they were jumping on that trampoline with the sprinkler under it for over 45 minutes!!  And the water was freezing!!  Brrr. I watched from the deck and just enjoyed this very unusual Mid-March activity.
 I guess I should record just what the temperatures were . . . or I will forget or not believe it when I look back at this 5, 10, or 15 years from now!  Each day was low to mid twenties - getting as high as 26, 27degrees celsius . . . and it lasted for pretty much two weeks!  Lots of records broken!

I have just been loving this warm spell - even though I knew it would cool down eventually (and it did today).  I find weather very inspiring and it was great to get outside and do some yard work.  I also got a lot of inside things done too which I credit to the inspiration of the weather as well.

What I love about Spring:
  • warm, sunny days
  • flowers/bulbs showing poking through the dirt
  • open windows (and I even got around to washing them all!)
  • open doors (and I must add that all winter long, the kids seemed to run in and outside without shutting the door, and now that I want my door open - they shut it every time!!  Remarkable.)
  • birds singing as I wake up
  • being outside after a long winter
  • the house stays neater b/c the kids aren't in it as much
  • going for walks
  • mowing the lawn (and I got to do it once already!)
  • green grass
  • coffee on the deck
  • reading a good book on my lawnchair
  • campfires and marshmallows/smores (had one already)
  • the urge to clean (I think I like this one . . . )
  • bare feet
  • longer, lighter days
  • laundry on the line!!!! (one of my favorites)
  • serving/eating lunch and supper outside! (even with the mosquitos?!)
  • probably lots more. I love the first warm spring days!
What I don't miss about winter:
  • snow (even though we hardly had any)
  • getting into a COLD van every morning to get the boys to the bus stop
  • being inside more than outside
  • layers of clothes/coats/boots/mittens/hats
  • probably lots more.  I like winter for a tiny while, but I certainly prefer the other three months!
I have a few winter posts that I should get up before I miss them completely, but Kev says I've been sitting in front of a screen long enough for today. 

1 comment:

  1. i hope these winter posts include some 'growing' pictures! Looking forward to seeing your news posted on here!! Sounds like you are doing a lot of nesting...and what perfect timing!:) All the best as you list the house/move/build etc. You aren't busy at all!;)
