Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kyra Maelle

This little papoochka made her appearance the day before we left for Florida, so I had no time to feature her in an immediate post, but as they say, better late than never - so . . . .

. . . Introducing . . .

Kyra Maelle

born on March 9, 2011

8lbs 1oz

Sister to Anna-Lynn
We did pop in on our way to Florida for a quick peak. The kids were amazed at how tiny she was and how small her hands were . . .
On Sunday, Kyra was baptized.

I love her eyes. She sure is a beauty.

Kade and Kyra

Kylie and Kyra (doesn't she look proud:)) And the happy family once again:)

Congratulations Steve and Kate. May God continue to bless you as you raise these little girls!


  1. She is beautiful and SOOO is Kate!! Hookey doodles you look awesome Kate!

  2. Aw, Kyra (-love the name-) is cute ---and WOW, Kate you're so thin already - that's crazy!! It's as if you never had a baby in there! p.s. Anna's dress is cute too :)

  3. So that wasn't actually Brenda's comment above. (We thought you might be thinking that) It was Cheryl's. I just heard her confession. :)

  4. hav ha! you're right. i did think it was Brenn! she made it sound like her :)

  5. your favourite cousin CHERYL! :)April 26, 2011 at 1:03 AM

    oh come on - "your favourite cousin" - you don't even have to think to figure that one out!!
