Monday, November 15, 2010

Coniferous Forest

The weather last week was AMAZING!! I liked it – A LOT!!! I didn’t get to spend the whole week outdoors, but I did get to spend at least a few days outside. And although Christmas and other things winterish were about the last thing on my mind (I was thinking more along the lines of spring!), I decided to take advantage of a moment of inspiration combined with glorious weather to accomplish something I’ve wanted to do for at least the last few winters, but never got around to, b/c it got cold too fast. (I think that was a run-on sentence, but it expressed my complete thought, so I’m leaving it:)) So . . . I went for a walk, collected all my ingredients (all found within walking distance – most on our property), and started to create. Kylie was my wonderful helper and we had a lot of fun together on this project.

I started out with my two containers by the garage, two on/in front of my front porch, and another which is on the edge of my garden for now.
(I didn't take pictures of them all (well actually I did, but I didn't post them all), b/c to anyone else - inluding my dear husband, it just looks like I've created a bit of a coniferous forest in various locations in my yard;))
But that was just way too much fun, so on Saturday, I just kept on going. I filled the window baskets on the tree house . . .
. . . filled the two pots in front of the minibarn . . .

. . . filled the window boxes on the back of the house . . .
. . . made two pots for my kitchen windowsill . . .. . . and one vase full for my table.

Now you may think this post sounds a little braggish and show-offish. It is;) Although these creations may not be everyones cup of tea, I am quite proud of them . . . and so I will brashenly brag about them too - - because you know what??? I had a blast making them and I still smile and admire them everytime I turn in my driveway.
So there. :)
p.s I forgot to mention one of the best parts! Everything was free:)!!!
p.p.s Jonathan loves to tease me about my enthusiasm for this project freqently. He thinks I'm a geek. Feel free to agree with him:o)


  1. What lovely creations! I think I would label your "bragging" as simple honesty - they are amazing!

  2. Very nice! It's great to add a bit of colour anywhere you can this time of year! And since I've never tried it before, I'm wondering if the needles will stay green and on the branches?? Or do you have them all in water?
    Did you have much success at VV today? What a riot! :) We got lots and now our washing machine will be working overtime.

  3. Come and be a geek at my house with me! I need some geekery over here. :o) Nothing says Merry Christmas like geekery. Seriously. Come over.

  4. That is a very nice and acceptable kind of geekery!! :-) They look great, and I think it is just fine to look at them and enjoy them over and over. After all, on the seventh day, our Maker did survey all He made and He took delight in it!

  5. Looks awesome Denise! I've been wanting to do the same things, but have been putting it off thinking it was maybe abit early for Christmas decor. But now I think I'll have to go out and see what I can come up with.

  6. you are a stellar decorator and should be proud of it!! and my husband may agree with your husband on some things in your forest--but I guess that is why we don't let them decorate:)

  7. LOVE IT!!! And you are not a geek because (or maybe you are and I am too!!!)I also am making my Christmas pots...I wasn't sure about cutting the greenery yet but I am getting berries, and summac and other stuff while it is beautiful out! I found a beautiful supply of the orange berries (can't remember the name of them) and I put the all over my mantels and in my wreaths! Such fun and yes, it is free!!! Denise, I think it looks beautiful and I just wish I was there to do it with you! Thanks for sending the pictures by the way. We did end up using one of yours...I sacrificed because I thought all the boys looked nice but I wasn't crazy about myself...the hair in front of my face and I noticed afterward that my shirt kind of plunges!!! But I ordered my cards! So thanks!
    Hope you guys are well!

  8. Yes, you are a geek....but I wish I could be that kind of geek:) I love the greenery. Whenever I try to make something like that, it never turns out like that. I love how they turned out. You have inspired me to maybe try again...although I have a feeling I may not be looking with much pride at my own things:)

  9. Wow - very well done! Looks great Denise, brag worthy great. How did you make those brown balls on a stick on the second last picture?


  10. Marieke,
    I wish I could say I made those brown balls, but I guess at some point I did spend money on them. I use these grape vine balls for my table centerpiece often - mixing them with whatever is seasonal (gourds were the last thing before this one). So I didn't make them . . .but I've heard you can. Looks like it would be difficult. I just clippped off grapevine to use as the sticks to stick them up in the air. Don't I sound profound:)

  11. Love it denise. I've been bugging nate to come for a walk to help me do my outdoor containers. They looked awesome. I love Christmas for all the decorations. IT's one of the best things of christmas.

  12. Wow Denise, they really turned out nice!! Makes me want to make some too. Great job.

  13. WOW Denise I'm behind on your blog. THose pots are amazing!! So cute that you could do it together with Kylie and in nice weather to boot! How rewarding! very inspiring, although now that the frigid weather has arrived it is about the last thing I feel like doing. You were smart. :) Now to work up on your blog (i started at the bottom :) )
