Friday, September 24, 2010

Summer Leftovers

We are settling nicely into routines over here. There is something nice about that. Although I'm sure I could manage the carefree days of summer year round;) Most activities have started up again and we're right back at (or about to be back at) Bible Studies, Sunday School, piano lessons, and meetings. It's good. I also been motivated to get things in order in my house - things that haven't been done for a while because there was just never enough time. Things like Spring Cleaning. This too is good and so far its been fun. As long as I stay motivated, it should be good - a little bit every week. I got all my windows and screens washed this week (twice in one year!!! I think that's a record!), so that felt really good. Then there is a cupboard here and a drawer there so far that I've been tackling. The big job will be my bedroom closet. It needs some serious decluttering. (So I can fill it back up again!) One of the joys of living in a small home is making use of every nook and cranny and using those nooks and crannies to their very fullest. When I think there is no better use of space, I always seem to come up with just one more idea. (Maybe I should just stop filling my house up, but then I'd have to give up my second hand shopping addiction:))
Anyhow, that is my late night ramble for now. And now here are some leftover summer pictures that never made it into posts:
Hunter at Anna's birthday party
Supper and fishing at Waterworks Park

Lake Lisgar day with the girls from church.
Summer and Kylie
Kylie and Summer
A few pictures of festivities at the church picnic:

The winning team:)


  1. I think the cleaning and decluttering bug has bit alot of people lately :) It's such a good feeling to get things neat and tidy! I'm ashamed to say that I didn't do any spring cleaning this year and am now doing attemping to do some now... we'll just say I'm getting an early jump on next year :)

  2. very cute that picture of little NELSON... on the Tractor! In the second one he is making quite the grumpy face!!Also that picture of my Richard's nylon racing team was quite hilarious!!
