Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to School and other "Fallish" Happenings

Kevin and Kade started school this week and were fairly excited about it (though of course permanent summer vacation still ranked a little higher) We're off to the bus stop just down the road by 7:30ish. Early to bed and early to rise has taken on a whole new meaning for this family of night hawks.
Their first week of school has gone well. They like it, though they were happy to have a day off today so that they didn't have to go to bed so early:) I don't hear too much about the academic aspect of school (except what I manage to drag out of them), but recess, lunchtime, and the bus rides sound like fun!
As for Kylie and I at home - we haven't been a bit bored yet - and don't expect to be anytime soon. We have lots to do and Kylie is adapting slowly but surely. She is learning to play on her own - but she sure makes a big mess while she does it! (So much for having a perfectly neat house now that I only have one child at home;0))
In other news and notes, I'm sure you've all been wondering if our cats/kittens survived our being away on vacation. You may remember that previous vacations have been very helpful in diminishing our animal population. It's how we got rid of our dog, and at least three cats - and we do get someone to feed them - they must just really miss us and start searching for us:) But our luck must have run out . . . b/c all three animals were still there to greet us when we drove in - Correction! There were three kittens plus the mama cat to greet us when we came home. We gained ANOTHER kitty. The kids have named it Robin Hood and figure now there is one kitten per kid.
Getting to be too much of a cat plantation for my liking, (but the kids love them soooo much;o()
These are Kylie's best playmates now that the boys are gone, and she holds them and plays with them just like they are dolls . . . it's pretty cute. But if anyone feels the dire need to have a kitten - or four, please let me know:)Last night our YP held a fundraiser fun night as a fundraiser for the Haiti Mission trip. Besides volleyball and soccer, there were smaller wagon rides through the woods . . .
. . . and a bigger hayride for everyone at once.
And of course yummy food and a campfire.
Then, today we took a little visit out to Family Flowers Fall Festival.
The kids enjoyed the petting zoo . . . .
. . . some from further away than others:)
. . . the maze (which was fun for all three, though of course the best at Kylie's height) Yah, I think she's pretty cute:)
. . . and face painting which was a definite highlight!

As much as I love summer, I've got to say that Fall is a close second. I'm still hoping for some summer weather back myself . . . fall and winter will be here soon enough. But Fall is really beautiful and I love the cooler nights, wonderful colours, and most everything else about Fall.
(and now I must go get my kids off the roof . . .where they get these ideas I really don't know!!)


  1. Glad the boys are liking school so far, and you and Kylie are surviving at home together. :o)
    Wow - that is some serious face painting! Pretty amazing!
    And four kitties is one kitty per child eh......?

  2. Okay, first of all, I missed you tonight Chris.
    Second, since you are not the only one to comment on my math - we do only have three kittens. One is a cat, and nobody is laying claim to her. So three kittens - three kids. It all made perfect sense in my mind:p

  3. Great Photo's again Dece...I was waiting to hear how your boys (and you!) liked school. Its a change but it isn't a bad one. We know the early nights and morning routine...I pay for it when we don't get them to bed on time! I love the pic's of Kylie...she is a beauty.
    Love you guys.

  4. What a good looking couple of school boys :) The Haiti thing looked like it had a good turnout, I'm sure Dad would love to see the one picture with the barn in the background that's slighly falling apart :P Funny thing about today's pics, Anna was wearing the EXACT same thing as Kylie today, I didn't even know Kylie had that shirt as well! Great pics as usual, and I totally got the one mama cat, 3 kitten thing :)

  5. Very cute blog post once again! The face painting was great especially Kades. I'm glad that your kids are quickly settling into the routine of school. I hope that you are planning to come on Tuesday!
    Love, Becky

  6. Hehe Denise, I really had to think about that 4 cats for each kid thing too. Beth actually called me to see if I knew of any news:) I am glad your boys are liking school. Of course recess and gym are the best parts!! Also, am I the only one laughing about getting the kids off the roof??
    I hope you come tomorrow!!

  7. haha...yes I had to call jo and ask her about the kitten/cat thing but I kinda figured it was that way but you just never know if you were trying to be sneaky.:) I laughed about the kids off the roof but with the combo of vandyk and hartemink genes what do you expect. Great post again.

  8. Hey Denise,
    I have lady asking me some questions about organizing track and field...I don't have your email address...can you send it to me?
    We are going to MISS you guys at KENA!!!!!! Esmé keeps talking about Kylie being in the nursery. How fun for your kiddos to start school though!!!!
