Friday, May 14, 2010

Cracker, Smoky, and more . . .

The kitties are growing fast and are at the super cute and fun stage. They are constantly wrestling, chasing bumblebees or butterflies (now that the sun is shining again) and being loved on by the kids. Kylie especially almost always has one in her arms or in her kitchen or hidden in some other hiding place. I found one in the van this morning!!! (not a very good idea - I noticed the mama meowing around the van and right away thought that one of the kitties must be missing . . . sure enough! I'm glad I found it sooner rather than later!)
Here is Kylie with her two favorite playmates (though the kitties are fast winning out over the dolls right now - they give a bit more of a reaction:))

Here they are locked away in the cupboard . . . or sometimes the fridge. She has figured out that the microwave is just too small. YELP!!
I don't know how much they love all the attention they get. In fact I can't imagine that they like it very much at all . . . but they are not scared of the kids and rarely scratch.
Peek - a - boo! The boys have them all named though I don't ever know who is who. In my mind there are two sets of twins, but they seem to have it all figured out. The two black ones are Smoky and Black Knight, and the two white and black ones are Cracker and Sport. Anyhow, they are all awfully cute (right now:))


  1. Karen thinks the kitties are cute. They're not bad looking. :-)

  2. hey dece!!

    That is soo cute seeing Ky carrying the kittens. It is soo good for kids. They are at a pretty cute stage - I probably woundn't be to scared of them at this age yet ;)Summer loved the message from Ky on the answering machine=D She wanted to play it over and over again!! See ya tomorrow!!


  3. Did I tell you we found the rest of the latest batch? They're in the same stage is yours only have never had human contact. You should hear the noise they make when you pick them up and their claws and teeth!!! I've got battle scars to prove it. Maybe I need to borrow your kids for a week or so to tame them :D
