We like to test our kids patience by taking a family picture before opening gifts:)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas 2010
We like to test our kids patience by taking a family picture before opening gifts:)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Letter
Arriving at the end of yet another year always brings with it a time of reflection. There is much to reflect upon. As we think on the year gone by, we need to reiterate what we know is so true. God is faithful!! He has once again provided for us and blessed us in so many ways. Though not every day is a breeze, and though life is not without its challenges at various times, we feel the presence of the Lord every day, and know that He will provide us with the strength, patience, and endurance to walk this path we are on right now -- and a good path it is.
The biggest change for our family this year happened when it was time for “Back to School”. After 4 years of homeschooling, we made the switch to packing lunches, waking up early, and all those other changes that are involved when a child goes to school! We have always known that we wanted to send the kids to school some day. (always with the “gr 4” number in our minds) Homeschooling was a year by year experience. I loved my years of homeschooling and am thankful that we could participate in this path of education. We were part of a fantastic group and I learned a lot myself and gained a lot of experience both in the home with the kids and in the group which have helped me already in many ways. Kevin and Kade now attend Covenant Christian School. They made the transition very well. For Kade we didn’t figure it would be a big deal considering his age and really only having missed out on Kindergarten. Kevin we were a little more nervous about. But after one term of school, we couldn’t be happier. They are both doing really well and love going to school. They are mostly excited about learning and even homework gets done without complaint. They are really enjoying these snow days we have been having too though . . .
Back to school was a big change for Kevin and Kade, but equally big for Kylie and I. I adjusted quickly. Kylie (who is now three) is still working on it. She misses her brothers a lot some days and other days will play beautifully by herself. She has a busy life as well and enjoys being on the go. We go to Storytime at the Library in Springfield every week and Kylie loves it! There are stories, songs, games, and often a craft and even a snack. And we leave with a bag or two of books for the week ahead. Kylie is still a child who oozes with character and personality. I think that is a nice way to describe herJ . She is a challenge and teaches me new things all the time – things like patience and perseverance. Good things-- yet they certainly don’t always feel like pleasant lessons! But, every day without fail, she turns on the charm right around bedtime. She reminds me exactly of Kevin at her age. Somehow they can live on very little sleep. Kylie will most nights not fall asleep till after 10pm . . . and most often has to be up to go to the bus stop at 7:30am. I think it’s a short night for a three year old. But try as we may to change this pattern, so far it isn’t happening. Kylie also treated us to a do-it-yourself haircut this summer. It was not a very good one and we still live with the affects every day. She is most often looking rather disheveled and sloppy. But her hair is growing and it is getting easier to keep things kind of together. She loves her friends deeply and would love to play with them forever . . . with a few little “I’m not your friend anymore” breaks thrown in. She also loves her mom and dad and when we walk in the door after being away, we are greeted with a shriek and a hug. She also loves to sing and asks to hear Steve Green any and every time we are in the van. Lately she has even taken to wanting to snuggle – but that doesn’t usually last more than 2 minutes before she’s ready to move on.
Kade is 6 and in Grade 1. He is a laid back, mostly easy going, and a relatively easy child. He loves to read and really enjoys his “Cuddle-Up and Read” time that he is required to do every night. He started off extremely shy at school, but it didn’t last too long. At mid- term progress reports, we read that he is “occasionally too social in class and needs to focus on his work a bit more”. I volunteer each week at the school by teaching Phys.Ed to grade 1-2, so I get to see Kade in action. He is certainly no longer shyJ. Kade did two sessions of swimming lesson this year – and passed a level both times. This seems to be an area where he excels. He also played soccer again, and although we see progress each year, we also see that Kade does not have the same competitiveness that Kevin does. He just plays the game and has fun – whether he is sitting off or playing.
Kevin is 9 and in Grade 4. Kevin is an “always on the go” type of kid. His thing right now is hockey. Any spare chance he gets, he picks up his mini-stick and takes shots. Over and over. Kade is really fed up with the game, but between Jonathan and Kade, Kevin usually has someone to play with. And if they decide they don’t want to play, Kevin just carries on by himself. He announces the play-by-play the whole time too. He loves “Hockey Night in Canada’ on Saturday nights and will listen to the games on the radio throughout the week. He gets to lace up the skates once a week with all of us when we go to the arena for the hockey/skating program we go to. We all skate, practice some skills, and the boys finish the hour off with a little hockey game at the end. Kevin is also doing piano lessons and has almost finished one year. He does not really enjoy practicing – at all. But he is doing well enough and learning quite a bit, that we think it is good for him to persevere for a while. He loves his teacher and enjoys going to the lesson – it’s just the practicing that he dreads. Soccer was a highlight of the summer for Kevin. He played throughout the summer again and also went to a soccer camp for a week. He is probably even more passionate about soccer than hockey – and very competitive!! Kevin and Kade also played basketball for 8 weeks this fall. They both enjoyed that a lot too.
We took a trip to Myrtle Beach in February of this year. It ended up being a rather cool vacation considering we were south. But we had good company and we swam anyway. Most of all it was just good to be away and be together as a family. We have great memories despite the lack of intense heat.
In October Jonathan and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. Ten years have just flown by! It’s hard to believe sometimes. It’s been a great ten years. We are thankful for the marriage and friendship God has blessed us with and are looking forward to the next 50 years!
In the summer we said goodbye to our dear Oma (my dad’s mom). She had been weakening for some time physically, but she was an example to us right to the end. She was a big part of our lives and we miss her in many ways.
One of highlights of our year was Marineland. In May we went with a homeschooling group and while we were there, we took advantage of the super cheap season passes. Three of Jonathan’s sisters also bought the passes, so we met there 3 or 4 more times throughout the summer. This was great fun for the kids and a fun chance for sisters to get together too.
Total Electric continues to be a big part of our lives. I guess that’s a part of self-employment. The company is always there – work during the day and paperwork at night. Though we don’t do paperwork too many nights a week, it feels like there is always catching up to do. It makes me chuckle at the nights when we were first married and played board games, made model cars, and looked for things to do in the evenings! I’m glad we had those days and those special times. Jonathan just finished a course and exam for his masters and now, with a little more paperwork, will be Jonathan Van Dyk M.E or he says Master Jonathan will be fine too:)
Church also brings with it commitments. Jonathan is now a deacon and that fills up a few nights a month as well. Then there is the Men’s and the Ladies Bible Studies which we are both enjoying. There is always something to do. That is a blessing too. Neither of us does well with boredom . . . though sometimes we imagine we might enjoy just a tiny taste of itJ.
That brings me to the end of this update. When I ponder writing a letter, I often start with . . “Hmmmmm . . . should I even bother? Everyone knows what is going on in my life b/c they read my blog. Nothing will be new or interesting.” Then when I am told convinced that I really should write one anyway, I tell myself, “Okay. One page.” Then I start writing and have to force myself to stop. I could probably write three or four pages easily . . . but I draw the line at two. So if there is vital information missing . . .it’s because I got to the bottom of the page:).
We wish you all a very blessed Christmas and a pray for God’s continued presence in your lives in the year ahead.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunrise and Squash
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What's Really Up Over Here!
Kevin and Kade have finished another year of basketball clinic. They both learned a lot, progressed a lot, made new friends, and had a lot of fun!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Coniferous Forest
. . . filled the two pots in front of the minibarn . . .
. . . filled the window boxes on the back of the house . . .