Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Any guesses?

. . . about just what is going on here?
Hint: This happens more often than it should.
Yup. It was the "Duffy". (soother). It makes me laugh how she gets all the way down the stairs and carries on playing with the blanket over her head with this, "what mommy can't see, she'll never know" kind of attitude. You have to love how their minds work!!!


  1. someone is hiding their soother from their mommy.. :) what a little sneaker.. Or else she is sneaking out of bed and thinks you can't see her because she's got her blankie on her head.. :) Kylie's soo cute...

  2. I'm thinking it's the soother too. but who really cares, it's just sooo cute.:)

  3. haha...what a little stinker. I love how their little minds work.

  4. Ha Ha!! THAT is hilarious!!! I never thought soother at all. I thought she was just being goofy. What a kid. It totally makes sense to just carry on with your day that way and no one will be the wiser!
