Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wow!!! Another Wonderful Year at the Cottage!

If vacations were measured in terms of weather alone, this one probably would get a 9.8 out of 10! What a wonderful week. After a day and a half of clouds and rain, we enjoyed nothing but SUN!! (of course the sun did go down in the evenings, but it was back up to greet us every morning) But of course a vacation DOES depend on more than the weather. It must have good fun, good food, and good fellowship. And all these elements were there - at their best. So this vacation ranks high on the list of GREAT VACATIONS - but then I have a hard time recalling a rotten vacation. Anyway this one was really fun and sped by with great speed as vacations tend to do. What follows is a whole wack of pictures. They are the proof of a spectacular time -- that and the memories which are of course still very fresh. But since memories do tend to fade - here are pictures that will allow us to hold on to good times yet a little longer. Our yearly family picture at the cottage
Josh and Steph and familyBrookeMackenzie
Holly James
BethanyJosh taking his boys for a canoe ride.Who would have thought . . . . ! ! !Timothy, Jonathan, and Ryan Isaac taking in the happenings.
Dodge ball was a favorite with the kids and adults. You could also find them engaged in a soccer game once or twice a day. There are a whole bunch of up and coming soccer stars in this group!
Maaike and ChristyMaaike, Mackenzie and KylieOwen Kylie
Mackenzie and Kylie splashing And of course there must be the yearly volleyball competitions. All hot and ready for a swim.
David and Timothy Christiaan with one of his frogs. Kade and Christiaan with their frogs. Frog catching was another favorite pasttime for the boys.
Jeremy celebrated his 6th birthday while we were at the cottage and I must say his reactions to all the birthday celebrations and gifts was just priceless! Brooke and Isaiah
Holly and Maaike Isaiah, Christiaan, Jeremy, Kade
Off to do some rock jumping . . .
And . . . Richard is most definitely back . . . .
Christiaan - always with a big smile on his face.
Kylie and Mackenzie
Bethany and MaryBeth
Kade and Jeremy
Kylie, Hunter and MaryBeth out for a paddleboat ride.
Kade ready for some snorkelling.
Kade and Jonathan snorkelling.
Jeremy and Kade
Kevin and James
Kade and Jonathan. The boys love fishing and are becoming quite the experts at it.
Kevin, Tim, Kade, James and David.
Timothy and Kevin
MaryBeth, Kade and Jeremy
Jon and Josh

Opa splashing and being splashed by Summer, Kylie and Isaiah.
Kade and Christiaan
Jonathan and Kylie. Kylie was afraid of any type of boat at first, but once pursuaded to try it out, she loved it and became quite a willing passenger after that.
MaryBeth taking Summer and Kylie out for a ride.
Kade and Jeremy

Kade - I love pictures of kids in lifejackets.
Ryan, Kevin, and Jonathan
Brooke and Kylie.
The swings were a favorite for Kylie and many of the other younger ones.
Kade the fisherman. He always wanted the fishing rod in his hands before the picture was taken.
Kylie and Isaiah. These two were very amusing to watch. They played and fought and fought and played . . . Kylie met her match!!!
Isaiah - what a cutie - I just love this little guy - he's a grand mixture of fiesty and sweet. Reminds me of a little girl I know . . . .
Dad and Jonathan reading and relaxing.
Nathan and Mackenzie
Allison enjoying her book in the sun.
Me and my Ky.Kevin and Kaitlyn - these two could often be found together too - they were dubbed the other set of twins. They do have their similarities.
Owen and James.
In age order from left to right - Kate, Tim, Jonathan, Ryan and Kevin.
Becky and Judah

What a gorgeous little girl - Mackenzie!!!
Josh and Steph
Brooke and Kylie
Allison and Holly
Nathan, Bethany and Mackenzie
Josh and Steph and the troops.
Mom and Dad Stephen and Jenna
Jenna, Stephen, Mom, Dad
Matthew, Christy, David
So many thanks to each and every family member for a great time. And of course we missed you a lot Dan and Sarah and gang. And especially thanks to Uncle Klaas and Auntie Ann who let us use their cottage each and every year. We are so thankful for the opportunity it gives us to get together like this.


  1. Great pictures Denise! Glad you had a good time...we're looking forward to our turn now...leaving on Friday!

  2. Thankyou Denise for putting up the pictures! We sure had a great time. You always have a great way of displaying all your pictures!!
    Love, Becky

  3. Oh Denise, you are awesome...I knew you wouldn't let me down! I was so sad to not be there, but I had a taste with looking at your pictures!! Every day, we would say, Oh I bet they are doing...this or that right now! Oh well, next year...hopefully! Great pictures...I love them all! Very cute family ones, great ones of the kids and I love the one of Josh and Steph!! Sending love to you guys!!

  4. Denise!! Your pictures are all so nice. Becky's right!!You always seem to have your camera right at the perfect moment too. we're already missing the cottage too:(
    But what a fun time!!
    Love, Josh and Steph

  5. Beautiful pictures Denise! We were sad not to be there the whole time, but we were glad we at least got to go for part of it. I love the pics of Kevin and Kate, and also of Josh and Steph.
    Thanks for being so faithful with your camera!

  6. Yeah! I was waiting for these! Looks like another memorable year for all of you. What a blessing to be a part of such a lovely family!

  7. Love them all! How do you get them all nicely in order. I always think I have them in order and then when I view it they are all over, and I am to lazy to fix it after spending over 3 hours trying to put them on in the first place. It's so sad it's over, goes by too fast.

  8. Beth,
    The getting them in order is indeed a challenge - and it is very time consuming. I don't even want to admit how long it took to get all those pictures up - let's just say there were lots of jobs around the house to do while I waited for them to upload . . . The shocker for me was when I actually counted the pictures - 82 I think - that's crazy cause it sure doesn't seem like it when you look - or does it?!!!:)

  9. Wow! Those were awesome pictures! Thanks for writing out the names of everyone too... I wouldn't have been able to figure out who all those kids were if you didn't.

  10. Awesome pictures Denise!! It made me miss the cottage and everyone already! It goes by way too fast!! You always capture all the great moments =D


  11. Great pics Denise. Another great vacation at the Rock Lake Lodge. Hopefully many more!


  12. Thanks for taking us down "Memory Lane", Denise. Indeed, we did have a very special and wonderful vacation. As a family let us all count our blessings and "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"
    Dad & Mom
