Thursday, May 14, 2009

Some miscellaneous pictures . . .

. . . that don't really fit in anywhere, but long to be shared nonetheless.
Kylie indulging in . . . . a marker. Hmmmmm!
Anna and Kylie doing some early gardening . . . and Kylie having yet a few more nibbles of something she really shouldn't. That girl has/will have a wonderful immune system I'm sure.
Cousins - Landon, Jeremy and Kylie.
Anna, Opa, and Kylie.


  1. Both girls are adorable. Does the curly hair come from your side of the family?? Also, did you leave a grey shirt and brown shorts at the family reunion?? Someone left a couple things there.

  2. Hey Dece!! Such cute pictures of the girls together, they are such cuties!! I laughed at Kylie and the marker - she gets into everything. I can't believe she eats all that stuff - (eating a piece of chalk at our house)!! Also that bottom picture is sooo cute!!

  3. nice pictures!! i love the one of opa and the girls :) Anna was looking thru them with me and for the first one she said "kylie!" but for the next ones, she said "Peeka" (meika) so it must be true that they look alike (Kylie and meika) Looks like by the time you took the picture, Kylie must have polished the whole marker off!! what a kid!

  4. Hi Denise! As usual, I've loved "catching up" on all your pic's. Wow, I can't believe Kylie is already 2 - guess that means Kyla is almost there too (thankfully not til July though!) Hope you're all doing well - enjoying the warm weather, and looking forward to summer! Take care!
    Love, Steph
