Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring Revue

Our homeschooling group held its Spring Arts Revue on Friday. It was a very nice evening - though I must admit that I made the mistake of taking Kylie along. She did not seem to find anything about it entertaining - though I'm not sure why. The kids did a great job in all areas! The students also had the chance to display a project, hobby, or craft that they had worked on, so we set up all the lego knights, drew up a castle, and soon we had one of the kids (Kade's for sure) favorite hobbies up and ready to go!
Kevin and Kade's Knight Kingdom
We also made these Diego sand art creations together. This was a lot of fun to make too - you just peel of the sticker of whichever piece you would like to "colour" and sprinkle the sand colour of choice - it did involve quite a bit of parental help, but I think the boys really enjoyed how "professional" they looked when we were finished. I was impressed!
One of Kevin (and Grades 1-4) winter activities was putting on a play - Peter Rabbit. Kevin was just a member of the choir and was fairly thrilled with the whole idea -NOT - actually it wasn't too bad during the winter (because they also did swimming) - but these last few weeks has been choir practice for more than an hour and then Peter Rabbit practice for a little less than an hour - this is not exactly his cup of tea and he reminds me rather frequently to consult him next time before signing him up for choir!! To which I remind him that this is very good for you Kevin . . . balance is important . . . there is more to life than sports and being constantly on the move . . . blah . . . blah . . . blah - and I'm sure that last part is all he hears. Anyway - the kids did the Peter Rabbit performance once already in March, but we missed it because Kevin had basketball and with the directors permission, we let him attend the activity of his choice - NOT SINGING!! But I was looking very forward to seeing the performance at the Spring Revue. Finally the time comes, and the cast walks nicely or hops down the aisle - oh except Kevin - he saunters, (actually i don't think there is a word for quite the way he made his way down the aisle - except the body language screamed - "I am not happy to be here . . . I am probably too cool to do this . . .There just might be 100 people in the audience laughing at the way I look . . . etc.) Anyway my dear son, you may have gone unnoticed if you just followed the mold. So the singing began - except Kevin forgot to sing - and it wasn't nerves. I think he was just to busy checking out the audience. So much for my great expectations - but I'm sure I noticed greatly more than anyone else. Anyway the kids did really great for the show and Kevin did get a few words and action out here and there!
And then it was choir time - but I was no longer watching. I was otherwise occupied by dear Kylie, but I could hear and it sounded wonderful. The teacher does a GREAT job with the kids.But somehow every picture Jonathan snapped had a similar look to it. (For those who don't know Kevin too well - he's the one yawning:)) Needless to say, there have been no complaints - and yes even a few cheers when he heard that choir was done for the year.Now, lest you think these weeks have been a total waste - Kevin has learned 5 or 6 new songs and does sing them at home - as does Kade. And, the very best thing about choir and Peter Rabbit practice??? The kids often got a "recess" or break while the senior choir practiced and could spend time outside in the woods behind the church, building forts with their friends - Now that is an activity for a seven year old boy!! and it made all the rest worth it!


  1. my favourite picture is the one of Kevin with the ears on:) It shows his true feelings...with his hands in his pockets!
    boys will be boys:)

  2. You really must tuck these away for his wedding day slide show, they are classic cool Kevin! But you are not alone, there were many cheers and sighs of relief from my boy when he found out choir was over for another year.

  3. Hilarious! =) I couldn't even tell you which one was the funniest (since there were a couple!) Said only as one not his mom, I know!! Neat to see all the kids who took part in the play and choir too. Great post, Denise! =)
