Friday, March 27, 2009

Today was so nice . . .

. . . and since it was such a beautiful spring day, of course we spent a lot of it outside. I love these first "warm" spring days. I love my kids. And I love that my kids can go outside!!! The trampoline has been very popular these last few days again, and even in the very cold, the boys love going out there - with no socks (Kade). Kylie is also beginning to love it, but of course does not love it when the boys go to crazy. Well the boys love going crazy and begged Jonathan to join them. Oh the temper tantrum that was thrown when the boys locked Kylie in the house so she would quit bugging them!!! She did get her turn eventually . . .
While Jonathan went into town with Kevin, I took Kade and Kylie for a walk.
. . . which for Kylie was more of a ride. I learned this trick when Kade was little and couldn't keep up. Of course I had to remind him that he had had his turn when he was 2 . . . but that didn't stop him from asking Kylie repeatedly if he could have a turn -- to which she over and over answered with a very grumpy and emphatic "NO!".
It is actually very light to pull, so Kade got to help out in that way.

This last one was taken last week before the Kale dinner. I took about 10 shots and unbelievably just about everyone turned out pretty good (except the bright sun they must have been looking into) . . . but at least they were looking! and at the camera! Amazing!


  1. those pictures are soo cute!!!! Gotta love the nice spring weather!!!

  2. what beautiful kids you have!
    I'm a bit jealous of the spring weather...

  3. You have such beautiful kids. Love the 2nd last one of kylie

  4. Great pics as always know its funny, but even though Kylie does not have red seems she has a fiery temper! Its got to be your side of the family! Our boys are loving the trampoline too...We actually spent a gorgeous warm day sleeping on it, when we were all down and out with the flu! Sending love to you guys!

  5. I can't help but notice the difference in Kevin and Kade's body thermometres! Even in some of the Florida pictures, Kevin was wearing pants, sweater, vest, shoes... and Kade's just sportin the bare minumun... shorts and t-shirt. I love all the pictures, esp the last one!! They are my adorable nephews and niece :o) btw, the temper is VanDyk... not Hartemink he he he :P

  6. Great shots again Denise! Kylie is looking so old in the pictures, and I have to say she is extremely adorable. Although, the temper is definitely from your side of the Kate:)
