Monday, May 5, 2008

Already a Year! Happy Birthday Kylie!

Sunday, May 4th marked our little girl's first birthday. As we all say so often, "My how the time does fly." I agree wholeheartedly - more and more every day. So, there is just a tinge of sadness as we mark our children's birthday - because life does move so fast and maybe because we take this precious time of their lives for granted. I love the baby stage and it seems to be long gone for Kylie as we watch newer and younger members join our family and church. But as each stage ends, and new ones begin, I have to say that she is at a very easy and fun stage right now - so now I just need to concentrate on savouring and really enjoying this time of her life - because next time I stop and ponder it all she'll probably be two!
Kylie - if she looks like she just woke up, it's because she did. This girl is such a good sleeper. Most mornings she does not wake up till 9:30 or 10am unless we have to go somewhere which means I have to wake her up. This makes homeschooling Kevin somewhat easier. When she does wake up, she often just plays in her crib, or lays cozily. This morning I went in to get her at 11:55am if you can believe it. (I couldn't, so I had to peek a few times) And in case you are wondering, she is usually in bed by 7:30pm (but last night was about 10ish:)
She actually opened her presents - somewhat anyway. I don't think the boys were all that interested on their first birthdays. They make up for it now - or maybe that's how Kylie's presents got opened - I did see about six hands in the vicinity!

The sparkler was a bit heavy duty and was blowing the sparks a little too close I think!

Helping herself to one of the gummi-worms before we rescued the cake from her.And some of Kylie's fellow celebrators - Summer,

And Landon.

Yummy! She really enjoyed the cake and making a mess - she went straight in the tub afterwards. After supper we went for a walk in the woods to see the trilliums which are in full force right now.
We also found a family of baby raccoons in an old tree. They are quite cute, although there was some discussion about how kind we should be to them, as kindness may not be shown in a years time. Kindess did prevail - for now anyway.


  1. Awww so cute. I can't believe Kylie is already a year, it goes by so fast. She looks so big already. I love the picture of landon with the party hat, he looks like he's wondering what the heck they are doing to him.

  2. I love how kylie has her face dirty from spaghetti or something and then has cake all over it.:)
