Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Port Dover

On Good Friday, we as a parental unit decided that it would be a very good idea to resurrect a tradition that had fallen by the wayside. In years past, we had loaded ourselves into our vehicle, headed south and visited one of our neighbouring Ports.  Our very first trip we headed west on Hwy #3 and ended up near Eagle in the Port Glasglow area. This is when it was just Jonathan and I and were expecting Kevin.  Other trips took us to Long Point, Port Burwell, Sandhills, Port Bruce, Port Stanley and maybe more.  Now 16 years later, the older three kids thought it was one of the worst ideas ever and were dreaming of hundreds of other options that were sure to be better.  They couldn't imagine sitting in the van and driving for who knows how long and then just walking on a beach.  It was the epitome of boredom and dullsville for their unimaginative minds.
But alas, after some wonderful banter, we managed to get all seven of us in the van.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day and it was high time we spent it all together.  
It WAS a long drive . . .  well not really.  About an hour.  They figured there were probably closer beaches we could hit and get it done and over with, but Jonathan and I wanted to see Dover again.  We have been there once before but again it was in our first few years of marriage, so it was time to go back.
 It was very busy in Port Dover.  I'm not sure if it was just a combination of holiday/beautiful day, or if it is always humming.  We did a little walk through a part of the town and then hit the beach.  Though it was a lovely day, none of us (even Kade) dreamed of getting wet. But there was a group of teens in the water on a wake board of sorts and though a few of them had wet suits on , there were a couple that didn't and who HAD to be freezing!
 It was really nice to just lay down on the sand, out of the breeze, and feel the sun beating down.  
AHHHH spring!!!
 We stayed for about an hour and enjoyed a snack and sand.
The snack we ate and the sand we played in (and ate) and in Kevin and Kade's case, shoved down each others clothes.

 As the afternoon progressed, we headed back to the van. Since we were in the area, we decided to hunt down a waterfall we had visited as part of YP years ago. We found it almost right away and this is where the boys were convinced that this was a good way to spend the day and that mom and dad indeed do have some not so bad ideas after all!
 When we came with YP it was mid summer and people would walk through the waterfall and be able to stand behind it.  Kevin and Kade were intrigued by that!
 They had fun trying to cross the river before the waterfall- Kade made it; Kevin's common sense or desire not to get wet and/or float downstream, prevailed and he remained at 3/4 way.  We need one of these in our back yard!  They could have played there for hours.

 As you can see, the water was cold . . . 
 But even cold water has some kind of lure you can't resist . .  
 Needless to say, we hoped we wouldn't get pulled over on the way home seeing as we had two teenaged boys who had rid themselves of their wet britches and were now rather scantily clad.
It was a very good day. A Good Friday. The fun of the day was nothing compared to the more important goodness of God's gift of His Son on the cross. This was primary. But it was a good day spent together as a family enjoying the beauty of the changing seasons and creating memories.
God is good.

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