Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Karter is Two!

Spring is here and birthday season is also in full swing over here and I've got to get writing!
Karter turned two a week and a half ago.  I can't really say anything about him beginning his terrible two's because if you've ever met the boy, you realize that he didn't wait for his birthday to start that!  I actually thought since he started SOOOO early, that maybe he would be done on his birthday.  (not really, but you can always dream:))  Truth be told, on his exact birthday he started screeching and screaming ridiculously loud. His temper also seemed to ramp up.   His sleep habits became less than desirable.  
I think this kid is terrific.  So I'll just enjoy these wonderful and hilarious and "keep me on my toes" TERRIFIC twos.
So. We tried to take pictures of all the kids when we came back from Florida . . . so we'd all be tanned and colourful and hopefully look kind of good.  
Karter's session didn't go so well. Though we tried three different times that Sunday.  Not that he wasn't happy.  You'll see that he is. He just can't sit still. He is escaping the stool on most of the pictures and getting quite a kick out of it.  Anyhow . . . I think we captured the spirit of the boy quite well.
This boy brings so much laughter, love, and joy to our family. They all do . . . but Karter does in a special way.  I say this all the time . . .but I LOVE seeing the other three kids love him. They are so proud of him, they'll do pretty much anything for him, they feel sorry for him when he is sad, they play with him, they very very rarely get frustrated with him, and it is clear as day that they are smitten with him. And that is special.
Does this make him spoiled? Yep.  I don't even deny it. I just try to make sure it doesn't turn him into a complete brat;) 

Karter is still a climber.  He still spends a lot of the day on the counters or island. He helps himself to whatever he wants and I can hardly keep him from doing it.   I should install locks on a lot of things, but instead I am trying to train . . .but he is sneaky.
Kevin and Karter have a pretty special relationship. When I was expecting Karter, Kevin hoped for a boy so that he could play hockey with him. At the time, I figured Kevin would be almost out of the house by the time Karter was ready for that . . but I was very wrong. Kevin has spent hours and hours with Karter (and Kade too!) downstairs playing hockey. He teaches him all kinds of interesting and I'm sure useful things. It is pretty cute and hilarious sometimes!
Karter loves seeing the kids get off the bus and gets super excited. I always thought he was saying Kylie (the only name of the three that comes out clearly) . . .but I was having him repeat the kids names today and Kevin and Kylie sound exactly the same . . whereas Kade is different . . .so maybe it's Kevin after all . .  or maybe all of them.

I actually have a bunch of Kevin/Karter sleeping pictures. (maybe I'll save the next one for Kevin's birthday post!)  We find them like this if Kevin babysat for the night . . or if Karter was crying in bed too long for Kevin's liking. He doesn't like to hear him be upset.
Wish these pictures turned out clearer b/c I think they are adorable.  Karter LOVES it outside. I am so thankful for the warmer weather for Karter's sake. I am also thankful for a husband who will let Karter hang out with him in the shop for hours while he works. It makes for happiness all around.  Karter would love to hang out and go to "work" with daddy every day. (at least he thinks he would).  When he gets to ride in the work truck he looks SOOO proud and pompous. 
I mostly trust Karter outside, but I have to take a lot of peeks.  He spends a lot of time with the dogs (though he is not always very kind to them). He spends a lot of time with his push toys or playing hockey or "tennis" or just ball.  I'm sure the sandbox will be a busy place soon too.
Karter actually loves to help. Jonathan was working on the deck this past weekend and without anyone saying anything, he picked up all the scraps and carried them over to the firepit.  It made me smile.   He was Jonathan's most diligent helper this past long weekend.
 (they had know I idea I was watching:)  Awwwww.
 He also loves putting things away inside (though not his toys EVER). He likes to unload the dishwasher and the washing machine and loves helping put laundry away too. He doesn't miss too much. I'm always surprised at what he knows.  (Now to get him to clean up his toys . . . which actually isn't a huge deal, b/c he rarely plays with toys).
Karter does love being read to now and will look at books on his own too. This makes me happy.  In the morning after the kids are on the bus and I'm done my coffee, he'll bring me a book and snuggle himself onto my lap and we'll have a story or too. Cozy.
Birthday pictures!
This is right after he woke up and came downstairs. Oh yes. He can get out of his crib by himself now -- which is of course a real pain, and kind of handy all at the same time.
I took him to the park since I had to do a few errands in town and it was a beautiful day.  He LOVED it!

I really didn't know what to get Karter for his birthday. He doesn't really play with toys and we have pretty much everything else he could ever need or want at this age.  I thought a balloon would be sufficient. It would have been. He loved it and played with it for a long time . . . until it popped and scared the daylights out of him.  (Can a balloon popping hurt? b/c he has done it three times since his birthday and boy does he scream and cry OWIEEEEE!)

Sparkler time!
And umm. Candles . . . in icecream.
Kylie wanted to give Karter a present really bad, so I found this potato head in my stash and she gave it to him to add to our existing supply. He does actually play with it too!
And . . . I found itty bitty roller blades on kijiji.  That was the only thing I could dream up to give him and I'm really glad I found some. He was fairly impressed too.
A few more things about Karter at two:
  • he is not a great breakfast eater . . . unless it is Honey Nut Cheerios or Lucky Charms or something else sugar coated. He did granola with yogurt for a while and I was excited that he liked it . . but that kind of went by the wayside. It is fairly normal to find a half eaten bowl of Karter's breakfast on the table.  GASP. I know. I am slipping.
  • he is also not a great lunch eater . . . so I don't make a big deal of lunch.  He is usually good and hungry by supper time and eats fairly well then. It is his best meal.
  • he is a snack-a-holic.  
  • LOVES Mr. Sooey. (his soother).  We are trying really hard to have it stay in bed (and perhaps the van, and at hockey, and . .  . ya we cheat a lot), but some days it is pretty hard.  He is SO good when he has his soother and blanket and on a whiny day, it's pretty hard to be tough.
  • he still sleeps in his crib, but will soon move to a toddler bed once I get it ready since there really is no point to a crib when he can (and does!) get out by himself.
  • has not gone to bed well since he turned two . . . or was it since Florida?!  We often have to lay in his room till he is sleeping or he will just keep coming out over and over and over . . and it is much quicker to do it the other way. If we are laying there, he generally falls asleep really quick.  I think he is scared . . . but having a light on doesn't change things so I'm not sure what the story is there.
  • he still toddles over to our bed in the night rather frequently  (surely he will outgrow this?!!!) (it is kind of cozy as long as he goes right back to sleep which he usually does)
  • has started sleeping in since the time change! YEAH!! He usually sleeps till anywhere between 7-8am.
  • loves sports of any kind and seems to do quite well
  • hums whenever he eats . . . while he chews.
  • doesn't say a whole lot.  He is trying to repeat stuff, but it doesn't come out real clear yet. He has his words that he does really well, but I would say his vocabulary is probably still under 25 words.  I'm not worried though:)  He makes his needs known just fine.  Some of my favorite words are "sooey", "ylie" (Kylie or Kevin) "owie" "all done" "side" (outside), "daddy a wook" (daddy's at work) "luyah" (hallelujah) "amen" "NO WAY" (which is by far his favorite response to pretty much everything!) and that's all I can think of right now.
  • won't really sit and watch a movie. There are times when I think it would be really nice and he will . .. for a bit . . .but not too long.
  • his nervous habit is putting his finger, fist by his nose and rubbing it. (kind of looks like he is picking his nose) Cute eh?  So if you talk to him and he doesn't really know you or if he is playing shy, that's what you'll get.
  • the grocery shopping department hasn't improved since he was 18 months . . . except now he can get himself out of the No Frills carts too. I really DON'T enjoy grocery shopping and I DO take along his soother in hopes of making it a bit smoother . . and yes that probably was me on my knees, butt in the air looking and reaching under the shelves for the soother that Karter chucked.
  • has a decent temper and is not afraid to show it.
  • for all his activity, he still likes to be cozy. He will have a real nice snuggle every once in a while.
  • sort of knows a few animal sounds . . . 
  • is a fabulous mess maker. . . in so many different ways.
  • usually (Kevin says EVERY time) puts his boots/shoes on the wrong foot.
  • likes to sing and does it quite a bit.
  • likes brushing his own teeth . . . and spitting . . and spitting . . . and spitting. Ya. That's the best part.
  • copies pretty much everything we all do.  Oh how careful we have to be . . and oh how funny this is!
  • gives the cutest kisses. If you are ever hurt by him or otherwise and "cry" (whether real or not), he will hurry over and give you a hug, a kiss, and a little pet and then you just can't help but be "all better!"
  • is a goof and knows it.
  • usually sports at least one or two bruises or cuts or gashes . . . though I do believe he is hospital free still!
  • makes us laugh and smile every day.

How thankful we are to God for this boy!  Children are a blessing indeed and our family would have very different dynamics without him!  We are thankful for all the joy and laughter (and frustrations too!) that Karter brings.  We pray that God would bless him mightily and we pray for much wisdom for us in raising Karter in the ways of the Lord.


  1. A belated happy birthday to Karter! What a little cutie he is. Your post kind of reminds me of your writing about Kylie when she was younger - full of energy and character. :) Every time I read your blog I think I really should start one myself, just so I can look back and remember everything, because it changes so fast!
    Have a great day! Chris.

  2. This kid is something else. So cute though. I love him in all the hockey gear. I think this is going to be one sporty kid. We all love him over here!
    Mary Beth

  3. Wow - sounds like he keeps you busy! I think it is not safe for us to ever visit together.....seeing as Karter and Lincoln will get along too well. ;) I love the picture of the two boys sleeping in bed. That is just too precious.

  4. What a great post Denise! I think that Karter would fit in well over here! The struggles and the JOYS of raising an independent toddler!
