Wednesday, February 6, 2013

There's Not Much Going On . . . .

 Actually that is totally not true . . . though my selection of pictures here might leave you believe it really is!
 Starting to believe me yet????!!!! 
 And since you asked so nicely . . .here is a picture of our house - well our kitchen anyway . . . that's all that's made it onto my camera so far . . . I haven't done hardly any decorating as of yet . . . though my mind is definitely working on it!
(kitchen during the day)
 (and at night)
 (b/c it does look quite different!)
(and I had to take pictures of it in the day and at night b/c it looks that clean day and night!  phhht. . . more like . . ."It's clean! Quick take a picture!")
 Kylie and Meika
(any resemblances?? sometimes I see it and other times I don't AT ALL)

  Kylie and Summer in their matching Mary-Beth made skirts.  Love them.
(the kids and the skirts)

 And we gathered ourselves together for a family picture . . . only our third one since Karter was born!
(yes it was a self timered shot . . . can you tell we are staring smiling aimlessly at a little black box?!)
That's all for now. 


  1. Your kitchen is beautiful! Love the girls skirts! I hope Mare is working on one for Mackenzie:)

  2. I think this is probobly my favourite post ever. I love the nerdiness in the first couple, the kitchen looks immaculate, modern, and invitingly wonderful; Meikster and Ky look quite a bit alike actually and the skirts and kids are super cute and your self- timed staring turned out rather well! I'm impressed!

  3. Love the pics of you and Jon.
    The kitchen looks lovely, and I really hope to see it in real life sometime soon. Sorry we had to bail on you. :S Can't wait to be feeling better!
    Feel free to post pics of the rest of the house... Maybe you'll get some great decorating advice! And, I think maybe you need a trip to Hobby Lobby to help fill up your walls. They have great stuff, and a good selection of Christian wall art that's way cheaper than what you'd find on this side of the border.
    When I'm able to stand up for 5 min in a row, I'll call you, and we can plan a trip. :o)

  4. gorgeous kitchen!! :)
    (ok, i don't think i am caught up wiht your blog yet but that is the last comment from me b/c I am going to bed! :) )

  5. one more...i should have said "Gorgeous family" b/c I just looked at the picture and that is much more beautiful than the kitchen. :) GOd is good!!
