Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Bit of November and December

Now that 2013 is upon us, I thought it high time I got a few pictures from 2012 up before it just doesn't ever happen.  So here are a few events from November and December that the camera captured:
At the end of November our temporary abode from June-October was ready to come down!
We spent a few days being a bit destructive with a hammer and crow bar (which looking back, was probably a grand waste of time!), and carried stuff out to a burn pile out back.  There was something fun about being destructive and the kids loved driving the lawnmower and wagon with the loads of wood all day.
Then came Saturday and the time for the hammer was past!  With a lot of manpower and some tractor power, this happened:
Somehow she just wouldn't come down.  It was a lot stronger than we thought!!!
But they kept at it . . .
 . . . and then there was this!
Thanks to all those who came to help!  It was a very tiring day (Jonathan was exhausted!) . . . but before the day was over, he had yet another committment!
He had been "drafted" to play in a game against some Maple Leaf Alumni.  So he girded himself up, and headed out. 
Before the game there was an autograph signing session.  Kevin and Kade had some cards of some of the players that they got signed.  After the game, there was a sponsor/player reception and the boys got their jerseys signed all over. They got to talk to most of the players which was pretty neat.
(Jack Valiquette and Gary Leeman)
Jonathan had a blast playing in this game.  He really, really enjoyed himself.  The alumni won quite handily and you can tell they still have loads of skill!  If you've ever been to one of these games, you'll know they are filled with humour too.  We had fun watching too.  Even Kylie thought it was pretty cool (they had a few girls playing on Jonathan's team and now, when they play in the basement, she is the one girl).
Group Picture
In December Kylie had some of her friends over between services on Sunday.  They got all dressed up and we had a little hot chocolate party.

We caught two parades . . . with some family. 

The kids read some books . . . I love it when they actually sit down and read for a while.  They rarely do except in bed, so I think it is picture worthy when I see them all hunkered down with a book.

We went out for a family dinner to celebrate my parents 35th anniversary (which was back in August). 
This was a great evening. It took us a while to get it done, but it was cozy and worth the wait.
I didn't get pictures of everyone for some reason, but here are the ones I did have . . .
(maybe you'll have to send me the missing ones Kate!)


 And we put up our Christmas tree (which may I say, never looks as good on camera as it does in real life?!)
Kylie was very sad when we took it down last week. It got a big, big hug:)
And that is just a bit of what has been going on . . . besides Karter getting months older:)
(which does happen to be coming right up again:o))

1 comment:

  1. Great to see snippets of life over there for the last couple months!! I can't believe how big dad looks in those insulated coveralls at the springfield parade!! Also, its amazing how there is nothing left to be seen of that old house at all. What a tonne of work that must have been!! I'm looking forward to (as is everybody else) when you finally post a virtual tour of your beautiful new house.... :)
