Thursday, November 15, 2012

Western Day

We sent a bunch of cowboys/girl off to school this morning!
  I realize that most cowgirls don't ride unicorns . . . but it was "U" day for show and tell AND Western Day.  It just worked!
And . . . I guess I actually kept this one home with me;)
 The kids were pretty excited about "Western Day". They prepared well in advance (by notifying Oma that Western Day was coming up). Then they got to practice dressing up a few times too. Kylie thought about it a lot and it popped up in many conversations! 

 (a practice session)

 . . . and just because . . .(it shows some of his "seven month" traits) . . . and b/c I love it.

p.s.  I had to add word verification to my comment form b/c I was getting a bunch of spam comments . . . which though very complimentary (some of them anyway . . .telling me I write great articles ??! etc. . .and much more), were most unwelcome.  I know from experience that word verification is sometimes very hard to get by . . . so hopefully it isn't too annoying.


  1. Hahaha, I LOVE Jon singing in the background:) That was so funny!!
    Some mighty cute cowfolk you got going on over there! Kate was the only one of my kids that prepared beforehand, and none of the costumes ended up turning out that great....Isaac was some sort of indian type person:) Not quite cowboy, but I was thinking of cowboys and indians:)

  2. Fabulous pictures!! Your kids are getting so big! (O:

  3. Your cowboys/girls look great! I'll send you a link to mine, since you are too stubborn to sign up for Facebook. ;)

  4. howdy partner.. okay that was extremly corny but anyways love all the little cowboys/cowgirl!! Their costumes are super cute!! Also of course we love our little man...carter. He is such a funny boy! Mare

  5. I too, had to laugh when I heard Jon singin in the background :) cowkids are lookin good :D

  6. I actually find myself coming back to this just to listen to the music! The cute kid doesn't hurt either ;)

  7. All so cute!
    When do we get a house tour? Please?
