Saturday, July 2, 2011


I'm still trying to catch up on a few June things that I've never gotten around to posting about. 
 On June 11th we headed to the airport for the free plane rides.  Kade was super excited because finally he would get a turn too.  He missed out on round the first year we went, as well as the second year we went because he was too young. COPA offers free airplane rides to kids age 7-17 and is a really cool program. We think so anyway! This year we got there about 15 minutes before it started and probably only waited in line for about 15 minutes. It was an overcast day and was supposed to rain. I'm not sure if that is the reason why or not, but there was never more than a few people in line at a time as long as we were there.  That was very different from the previous two years!
Waiting their turn . . .
 Getting belted in and ready . . . .
 Kade got to take the front seat and got a chance to drive.
 The pilot said he did a really good job too . . .
       They get to ride for about 15 minutes.
They love looking at everything down below in miniature.
       At the end of the ride.
         Kevin and Kade with their pilot.
 Free hotdogs and pop afterwards too (quite the treat for 9:45 in the morning if you ask me!)
 Kevin (looking an awful lot like he just got out of bed . . . or maybe Kade did take him for quite the ride!) with his certificate.
 And now Kade has one to add to his collection too:)
Fun times. Great opportunities. Special memories!


  1. Wow! Lucky lucky kids. Where is this held and is it every year? I live in Niagara, it would totally be worth the drive to do this for my boys!

  2. Hello! So far its been held the last three years out here. Here is a webpage with some info about it I can pass info on to you next year when I come across it if you send me an email (email adress is jd(fill in our last name) at (last time i put my email address in a comment I got lots of spam so hopefully you can figure that one out:)
