Monday, January 17, 2011

Princesses and other Paraphernalia

When friends come to play . . .
Yah, I know I should have fixed the bobbypin before the picture, but after I did, they wouldn't pose anymore . . . that seems to be how it goes .
A bigger princess. (a very happy and beautiful one too)
(Kylie has been dressing up all day today in her white "princess dress" after seeing Brenda get married on Saturday.)
Kade with his longer hair . . . I like it mostly . . .except with wearing hats to school everyday, we never style it and it really just looks like a bit of a mop most of the time. So it looks good on Sundays:)

Someone told me Christmas was over. This is my attempt at an update:)
(afterall . . .even Jo did an update today . . .talk about inspiration:))


  1. I love Kade's hair!
    Good to hear that your kids are loving school away from home, we hope to make that transition someday too. Do you feel you have more time these days, or is life just always busy?! I check your blog often. keep blogging...

  2. hardy har Denise! You are a regular jokester:) I love Kade's hair, and the pictures of the girls dressing up are so cute! What funny little girls!

  3. cute pictures and yes those girls are so wierd!! haha - I have such a hard time taking pictures of Summer lately because she looks like such a goof. She thinks she looks really beautiful in them :) haha.

  4. Very cute pictures. Love Kades hair!!! I love the girls dressing up, what a fun stage.
