Really she is very angelic! Doesnt' this look say it all?!!!
She has graduated from dragging the chair over and now has her own personal ladder (which is rather hard to get rid of!)
"But mom, i'm just helping out you know."
A few other tales:
-one of her "at church" favorites is the toilet - not at home - just at church. It's been a few too many times, when its been reported to me that Kylie is in a bit of trouble. So I go to retrieve her and find toilet paper (wet) and water all over the floor - not to mention a very wet Kylie.
-saran wrap and foil wrap, or toilet paper roll completely undone, and ziploc bags all over the house
-the boys are into their lego right now and enjoy building things. Kylie will walk up, examine their creation and give a very deliberate kick to send it to immediate ruin. The boys often play in her room (which has a lock on it), or ask me to "Please put Kylie to bed!!!".
-the case of the missing toothbrush - this happens nearly every day. Kylie should have the whitest and cleanest teeth of any 11/2 year old around. At any given moment, she can be found wandering with a toothbrush or toothpaste tube in her mouth - and yes I've told her that it really is not healthy for her! Jonathan is especially fond of this trait of hers as it is often his toothbrush that is nowhere to be found.
-organizers - baskets are favorite of mine, and I have many drawers lined with them - right now they only organize mess b/c rest assured, the hour or two after they are straightened out, they are dumped and redumped until chaos reigns again. This applies also to any cupboard that can be opened. The candy bucket cupboard is a real favorite. This one is childproof, but it is also my "pantry" and therefore opens frequently during any meal preparation - she rarely misses an opportunity.
- then there is the temper - oh it is actually too humorous. She gets mad, runs around, bends over and bites whatever happens to be there - a workboot, a chair, doesn't really matter
- and as I write, she stands beside me on my "filing cabinet" and makes a disaster of my desk, and so I shall have to stop.
Below is a very rare photo opportunity of Kylie sitting still and being "a very nice daughter".
Just in case you suspect we don't love this girl, I had better set the record straight. We love her dearly. She really is a very funny girl and we think she's great. I've always loved a little spunk, and she's certainly got that. I was reminded the other day of a poem I've heard reminding us to find the good every day things - the line I was reminded of and will want to be reminded of in the days ahead goes something like this, " I will give thanks when I see a mess all over my house, because it means God has blessed me with children."