Thursday, April 10, 2008

March Memories (since it is April already!)

The writer of Ecclesiastes writes,
"To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:"
For the month of March, our families translation might continue,

"A time of snow and a time of no snow,
A time of cold and a time of getting warmer,
A time of sickness and a time of health,
(and we all took turns for that one, just so we could draw
it out really long and as a result, really appreciate our time of health!)

But as we enter April (okay it's already 1/3 done), we are really enjoying both good weather and good health and for a while anyway have determined not to take them for granted. It's easy to fall back into a pattern of complacency, but for now it is new and exciting and we thank God for our health and for the beautiful spring temperatures He sends our way.
But since this is my "March post" I am going to have to start off with some snow.
These pictures were taken at the beginning of March on a beautiful sunny and snowy day. We had lots of snow on the ground and therefore a nice soft cushion to land on.
Here is Kevin in great form.
And Kade with his umm not so great form?
Standing atop their jumping platform and looking rather patriotic if I may say!
These next shots were taken at the hill in New Sarum. We took the family out one night after supper for a promised night of sledding.
Kylie doesn't look the most impressed, but in reality it was much worse!
She is not a big fan of the cold!
The boys preparing for takeoff. And the sun set so beautifully as we were finishing up.

When Josh and Steph had Owen, we got the joy of having Jeremy over for a week. Kade just loves Jeremy and they had lots of fun together. Kade's favorite pasttime this winter was playing "guys" which are actually LEGO Knights. Kade plays this for hours on end, so Jeremy was roped into accompanying him on his adventures. This was fine. They had lots of fun together -- the first fifteen times. After a while, Jeremy thought there might possibly be other things to do and decided to play outside with Kevin. This was the only time there was fighting -- over who gets to play with Jeremy. We really enjoyed having him over. He has such an easy personality and comes up with the most interesting and humorous things! It's definitely a fun age, and fun to watch the boys interact.

Okay and now we get into a bit of spring. We got the camera out before church because Kylie was looking so cute. (we seem to do that a lot:))

As I said, we do that a lot - here are some of our favorites!
She absolutely loves spaghetti!

Ahh yes - not all the moments are necessarily because she looks so beautiful! But we still think she is pretty cute - even when she has all kinds of supper gook in her hair and on her face!


  1. Denise!! I love your pictures!! I have your blog open on my screen for bragging rights here--it's so nice to be related to people who look so smashing!!
    I can't believe how big the boys are already...and kylie's almost one!!! I hope that things continue to go well for all of you!
    Have a wonderful day! And thanks for another great blog entry that brought a smile to my face!

  2. I love the pictures of the boys in mid air, great action shots. Kylie looks so cute with the spaghetti everywhere. You guys have such adorable kids.

  3. Denise-Thanks for your great pics.
    Opa likes spaghetti too.
